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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />JULY 18, 2005 <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />and they were looking for other answers for that. She stated there had to be further discussions <br />regarding traffic on Hamline Avenue. <br /> <br />Kathy Sukke, 1286 Karth Lake Circle, stated they already had a sign to not turn right on red, <br />which did not work. She asked why the Council was willing to exacerbate the problem. She <br />believed another sign would not help. She expressed concern for the safety of the school buses. <br />She indicated Karth Lake Circle residents would never be able to get out of their street. She <br />expressed concern that the feasibility study had not been done. She expressed concern about the <br />impervious surface with this development and she believed the parking lot was too large. <br /> <br />Dave Ehresman, 1481 Arden View Drive, suggested a west turn lane westbound on Highway <br />96, which would not allow an access onto Hamline Avenue. He stated he had emailed the <br />Council with his suggestion in detail. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked if staff had seen the report from the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District. Mr. Hellegers replied the City had received a Conditional Approval Pending Receipt Of <br />Changes (CAPROC) and prior to the development going forward and obtaining a permit, the <br />developer had to make changes to their plans, which would be reviewed by the District and then a <br />permit would be issued. He stated Rice Creek Watershed District was waiting on soil borings and <br />the shifting of one building so it would not impact the wetland. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked if the two inches of runoff assumed there would be some drainage <br />into the soil or would it go into the pond. He asked if the pond was sufficient. Mr. Brown stated <br />the pond would hold a 2.S-inch rainfall event, not including the drainage into the soil. He stated <br />there would also be capacity for a lOO-year flooding event, which was a 6-inch rainfall in a 24- <br />hour period and the sewer system did meet that requirement. He stated the two wetlands on site <br />did not have natural outlets today, but the development would add outlets to the storm sewer <br />system, which would address any flooding concerns. He noted the water would run through two <br />ponding systems prior to getting to Sunfish Lake. He stated the pond elevation near the daycare <br />center was lower than the daycare center so they were comfortable with this pond. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked if Wetland A would also flow into the storm sewer direction. <br />Mr. Brown responded that was correct. He indicated the plumbing would be in place so none of <br />the wetlands would flow off of the site. <br /> <br />Peter Upsall, Children's World, indicated they were concerned about safety and adding to the <br />traffic would make this a lot worse. He noted the road would run along side their infants and <br />toddlers playground and asked how would the children be protected from the dust, sand, etc. He <br />also expressed concern about the drainage pond. <br /> <br />Bobbie Huot asked how the parcel was marketed. Mr. Clark responded the City had received a <br />Letter of Intent from Royal Oaks Realty and they had an appraisal of the property done. He noted <br />in January, the Council directed staff to determine if there were any other projects that were <br />interested in the site. He noted they had received some interest, but those inquires did not match <br />the intent of the zoning. <br /> <br />4 <br />