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CC 08-29-2005 (2)
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CC 08-29-2005 (2)
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<br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />AUGUST 29, 2005 <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />setting the elevation. He stated he would rather see the surmountable curb. He was not in favor <br />of the roundabouts or sidewalks. With rcspect to the watermain, he inquired as to how much <br />would that increase the assessments. Mr. Brown replied replacement of the watermain was a <br />City expense and would not be assessed to the residents. <br /> <br />Mr. Nelson stated he did not believe thc Beach Club should be assessed. <br /> <br />Bill Thorton, 3510 Siems Court, stated he was opposed to roundabouts and traffic did not <br />support a roundabout. He stated he was also opposed to sidewalks. He expressed concern about <br />the assessment cost and asked someone take a look at what was behind the cost and obtain <br />additional bids. He asked if they possibly looked at some kind of a trade off for the Beach Club <br />marsh lands. <br /> <br />Jim Connor, 3489 Siems Court, stated he had daily jogged, biked, or walked to his offices in <br />Downtown Minneapolis. He stated the sidewalk they had was nice, but it went nowhere. He <br />stated the roundabouts werc nice, but they did not have the room for one. He asked if the purpose <br />of a water system was to help the lake or a resident who had drainage problems. He stated if it <br />was to clean the lake, they needed to include everyone that emptied into the lake. If the purpose <br />was drainage problems, then the entirc neighborhood should be assessed. Mayor Aplikowski <br />stated the purpose was to fix the road and ifthey could fix drainage also that was one of the goals. <br /> <br />Lisa Abraham, 3511 Siems Conrt, opposed the roundabouts. With respect to drainage and <br />curbs, she was in favor of curbs. She stated it was her driveway that had a lot of drainage issues. <br />She expressed concern about the road being brought down to 22 feet and asked parking <br />restrictions be put in place if this was done. With respect to the extra road, there was an easement <br />on both sides, with her house being on one side. She expressed concern if they closed off this that <br />would increase traffic for her and she believed this would affect her property values. She stated <br />she was in favor of the retaining walls and removing some of the trees, or else putting up a sign <br />that said 'Blind Driveway'. She asked if Siems Court elevation would be decreased. Mr. Brown <br />responded the elevation would be a little lower, but the general idea was to have the street act as a <br />drain and not go out into people's yards. He stated there would be some adjustments to the grade. <br />He indicated this would be looked at case-by-case. <br /> <br />Ms. Abraham stated if the elevation would be brought down in front of her house, she was in <br />favor of it. <br /> <br />Jean Price, 3471 Siems Court, stated she was not interested in the roundabouts and sidewalks, <br />but she thought a roundabout would be nice on Snelling Avenue and Lake Johanna Boulevard. <br />She stated she was not in favor of the additional options of colored concrete or exposed aggregate, <br />but she had no opinion with respect to curb. She stated she was not in favor of signage if there <br />were parking restrictions put in place. <br />
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