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<br />a. Update on Communications <br /> <br />Larina DeWalt stated Goff Public has been working with Ramsey County to develop content for <br />a fall 2024 newsletter to be sent via email to the Rice Creek Commons subscriber list in <br />October. The newsletter will share updates on several topics including infrastructure, as well as <br />green energy and sustainability. Goff Public has also been discussing communications <br />opportunities with County staff to prepare for future development updates. There have been <br />no recent media inquiries, and no media coverage has run since the July update. There have <br />been no recent inquiries through the Rice Creek Commons microsite contact portal. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fabel questioned if any communications have been initiated with the US Army <br />regarding Building 116. He stated this building had to be demolished as it was an eyesore. Ms. <br />DeWalt reported this building houses the TGRS that was used by the Army. He indicated this <br />building was on property owned by Ramsey County and reported there have been discussions <br />about the movement of this building. <br /> <br />Commissioner Reinhardt commented further discussion will occur regarding this building, <br />especially given the geothermal and solar potentials on this property. She explained this <br />building was not just an eyesore, but rather was necessary for the Army and their water <br />treatment facility. <br /> <br />Commissioner Frethem indicated Building 116 was brought to Senator Klobuchar’s attention <br />and the Biden administration. She asked if Goff did any press release regarding the LEED <br />certification direction. She stated she did not want the green efforts to be lost in the agreement <br />negotiations. Ms. Mitchell reported she had not done anything to date, but noted the County <br />was working with Goff on an overall green initiative release and this should be completed in <br />November. <br /> <br />Commissioner Frethem requested a separate press release be created to address the green <br />initiatives being pursued for Rice Creek Commons. She believed it was important to maintain <br />the momentum that had been achieved in this area. Ms. Mitchell reported the LEED for <br />Communities would be the focus for the upcoming newsletter. <br /> <br />b. Green Energy Presentation <br /> <br />Ms. Mitchell stated Ever-Green Energy has analyzed the Rice Creek Commons development <br />plan to understand the energy needs of the site and options for renewable energy sources to <br />meet those needs, in alignment with the JDA Green Energy Vision. Their presentation outlines <br />potential thermal energy solutions for the development. <br /> <br />Ryan Johnson, Ever-Green Energy, introduced himself to the JDA and provided the group with a <br />presentation on the potential thermal energy solutions that were being considered for Rice <br />Creek Commons. He reviewed the green energy strategies in further detail noting this included