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and County staff. She questioned how the JDA wanted to handle the agreements going <br />forward. She reviewed the worksheet that had been created and discussed how the <br />agreements being drafted were connected. <br /> <br />Commissioner Frethem asked if the agreement connection would require the purchase and sale <br />agreement to have language with contingencies on the other agreements. Jenny Boulton <br />explained there was a document in process that could be approved and signed, but it would <br />state that one of the contingencies to convey the land would be a final agreement on all of the <br />other aspects of the deal. She reported the idea would be to transfer the land for development <br />and this meant the finances, timeline and what the development would look like would have to <br />be addressed before conveying the land. <br /> <br />Commissioner Monson wanted to make it clear for the public that the County was working with <br />Alatus on a deal. Ms. Boulton stated this was the idea and this was a step in the process that <br />will involve all of the other aspects. Ms. Mitchell commented the financing solution was part of <br />this and has kicked off the development of the other agreements. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fabel commented there was hopefulness in the genuine movement that was <br />taking place. He asked if the numbers have moved closer together for both parties. Ms. Boulton <br />stated there was a structured document that the Ramsey County Attorney was preparing with <br />terms that would be responsive to the LOI that was submitted by Alatus. She indicated there <br />would be some back and forth because the numbers were still in flux. <br /> <br />Commissioner Frethem noted the purchase and sale agreement was a legal agreement <br />between Ramsey County and Alatus. She indicated the JDA might not get the details of this <br />negotiation process. She was hopeful that a purchase and sale agreement would be reached by <br />the end of the year. <br /> <br />Commissioner McGuire thanked all who were working on this agreement. <br /> <br />Chair Wicklund stated he would appreciate seeing this type of document at worksession and <br />regular meetings going forward to assist the JDA with understanding the legal flow of this <br />transaction. <br /> <br />Commissioner Monson requested staff run through the worksheet line by line in order to assist <br />her with better understanding the role of the City of Arden Hills. Ms. Mitchell commented <br />further on how all of the agreements were interconnected. Ms. Boulton explained the point of <br />showing this was to allow the JDA to see how interrelated the documents were. She noted the <br />cooperative agreement would be the home for the City’s issues, which included parks, park <br />dedication fees, ongoing maintenance, the use of TIF, etc. <br /> <br />Chair Wicklund commented on how important it would be for the City Council to be <br />communicating their concerns or issues to the attorneys so when documents are drafted the <br />concerns of the City of Arden Hills are being considered.