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d. Update from Development Agreement Discussions <br /> <br />Director Perrault provided the JDA with an update on the development agreement. He <br />explained representatives from the County, City and Alatus have been meeting to discuss how <br />to get closer to a development agreement. He stated the majority of the discussions revolve <br />around how to fund the horizontal infrastructure, which includes the spine road, utilities under <br />the spine road, the natural resources corridor and the relocation of remediation infrastructure. <br />He stated mass grading and soil corrections have also been discussed and the financing has yet <br />to be determined. He noted the parties have exchanged multiple iterations of the financial <br />projections, but a gap in the horizontal infrastructure still exists. It was estimated the horizontal <br />infrastructure would cost somewhere between $86 and $100 million. The parties would <br />continue to work on how to fund the infrastructure. He noted the County has pursued $25 <br />million in State funding. He noted the parties have been focused on the horizontal <br />infrastructure and have not yet discussed the term sheet. <br /> <br />Director Perrault reported the Met Council has approved the comprehensive plan request to <br />increase the density of the project to 1,960 units. He indicated the energy committee would <br />continue to work with consultants on sustainability efforts. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fabel questioned if any Federal funds had been secured for this project. <br /> <br />Acting Chair Frethem stated she would address this matter under Commissioner Updates. <br /> <br />e. Review Road Map <br /> <br />Ms. Mitchell reviewed the Road Map with the JDA. <br /> <br />Acting Chair Frethem suggested a green energy worksession be held by the JDA this summer <br />and that community engagement be held to discuss green energy and sustainability efforts. <br /> <br />Administrative Director’s Report <br /> <br />Ms. Mitchell stated there has been some movement on Outlot A. She explained a conversation <br />was held between Ryan Companies, DEED and Greater MSP. She reported Ryan Companies <br />seems to be very excited about potential end users, but nothing concrete has been shared with <br />County staff. <br /> <br />Ms. Mitchell indicated the County public infrastructure RFP for the final design of the spine <br />road was released on March 14. She stated an in person conference was held on March 22 and <br />there were eight firms in attendance. She noted proposals are due April 18 with interviews to <br />be held the week of May 13. She anticipated the contract would start on July 1. <br /> <br />