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11-06-2024 PC Packet
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11-06-2024 PC Packet
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11/27/2024 4:02:52 PM
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11/27/2024 4:02:24 PM
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<br />Page 4 of 5 <br /> <br /> <br />• A 1,000 ft. setback from schools as allowed by Minnesota State Statue <br />• Use specific standards for indoor cultivation of cannabis-related to character area <br />standards, odors, screening, lighting, and water management. <br />• Use specific standards for cannabis microbusiness including consumption standards and <br />references to other sections. <br />• Use specific standards for light manufacturing, cannabis-related to hours of operation, <br />warehousing, odors, screening, waste storage, lighting, and water management. <br />Two aspects of cannabis uses have known potential for nuisances which are not addressed in the <br />first draft of rules from OCM; odor and lighting. The draft language includes language to address <br />these potential nuisances. <br /> <br />Odor Control <br />OCM has left odor control to be controlled at the local level aside from Minnesota Pollution <br />Control Standards for nuisances. The draft standards include a condition that odor control systems <br />be installed for uses where odor would be expected as part of the regular businesses (indoor <br />cultivation, manufacturing, wholesaling). In researching standards for this, some communities <br />require verification from a qualified industrial hygienist that appropriate odor control systems have <br />been installed and continual monitoring was required. If the City wished to require this, the <br />standards should be modified to reflect this. <br /> <br />Lighting <br />All uses will be required to meet the standards within the City Code for outdoor lighting, however, <br />indoor cultivation has a specific need for lighting to facilitate plant growth. Indoor cultivation done <br />in greenhouses will have semi-transparent structures and during the winter months, the indoor <br />illumination needed for the plants to grow will be obvious from outside of the structure. In <br />researching the use in other communities, it was found that 4:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. was a time <br />frame that was used to allow this. Cannabis requires a lighting cycle of 12 hours of light and 12 <br />hours of darkness for ideal growing conditions. This time frame could be more limited if the City <br />desired. <br /> <br />Outdoor Prohibition <br />As part of a cultivator, microbusiness, and mezzobusiness license, cultivation is allowed and can <br />either be indoor cultivation (greenhouses, hydroponics) or outdoor cultivation. Outdoor cultivation <br />is not expected to be largely utilized as the growing conditions in Minnesota are not optimal for <br />cannabis. Regardless, as the City has no agricultural districts or uses within it, the draft language <br />includes a prohibition for outdoor uses. <br /> <br />Cannabis Testing Facilities <br />The City Council discussed testing facilities and requirements around the use at the October 14, <br />2024, work session. Ultimately it was determined based on the conversation at the work session <br />that it would be beneficial to create a new use specifically for cannabis testing facilities rather than <br />trying to use existing uses such as “Research and development facilities.” <br />
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