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The (insert local here ) may reinstate a registration if it determines that the violations have <br />been resolved. <br />The (insert local here) shall reinstate a registration if OCM determines that the violation(s) <br />have been resolved. <br />2.5.4 Civil Penalties. <br />Subject to Minn. Stat. 342.22, subd. 5(e) the (insert local here) may impose a civil penalty, <br />as specified in the (insert local here)’s Fee Schedule, for registration violations, not to <br />exceed $2,000. <br /> 2.6 Limiting of Registrations <br />A jurisdiction may choose to set a limit on the number of retail registrations within its <br />boundaries. The jurisdiction may not however, limit the number of registrations to fewer <br />than one per 12,500 residents. <br />(Optional) The (insert local here) shall limit the number of cannabis retail businesses to <br />no fewer than one registration for every 12,500 residents within (insert local legal <br />boundaries here). <br />(Optional) If (insert county here) has one active cannabis retail businesses registration for <br />every 12,500 residents, the (insert local here) shall not be required to register additional <br />state-licensed cannabis retail businesses. <br />(Optional) The (insert local here) shall limit the number of cannabis retail businesses to <br />(insert number <= minimum required). <br /> <br />Section 3. Requirements for Cannabis Businesses <br />State Statutes note that jurisdictions may “adopt reasonable restrictions on the time, place, and manner <br />of the operation of a cannabis business.” A jurisdiction considering other siting requirements (such as a <br />buffer between cannabis businesses, or a buffer from churches) should consider whether there is a basis <br />to adopt such restrictions. <br /> 3.1 Minimum Buffer Requirements <br />A jurisdiction can adopt buffer requirements that prohibit the operation of a cannabis <br />business within a certain distance of schools, daycares, residential treatment facilities, or <br />from an attraction within a public park that is regularly used by minors, including a <br />playground or athletic field. Buffer requirements are optional. A jurisdiction cannot <br />adopt larger buffer requirements than the requirements here in Section 3.1. A jurisdiction <br />should use a measuring system consistent with the rest of its ordinances, e.g. from lot <br />line or center point of lot. <br />(Optional) The (insert local here) shall prohibit the operation of a cannabis business within <br />[0-1,000] feet of a school.