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SECTION 3. Chapter 13 - Zoning Code, Section 1325 - General Regulation, subsection <br />1325.047 is hereby amended by deleting strikethrough language and adding the underlined <br />language as follows: <br />1325.047 Cannabis Business Conditional Use Permit Criteria. <br />Subd. 1 Applicability <br />The standards within this subsection shall apply to the following uses: <br />A.Agriculture, Commercial Cannabis <br />B. Cannabis, Mezzobusiness <br />C. Cannabis, Microbusiness <br />D. Cannabis Testing Facility <br />E.Light Manufacturing, Cannabis <br />F.Light Manufacturing, Lower-Potency Hemp Edible <br />G. Retail, Cannabis Sales <br />H. Wholesaling, Cannabis <br />Subd. 2 Setbacks <br />A.Any cannabis business must be setback 1,000 feet from schools as established by <br />Minnesota Statute Section 342.13(c) <br />B.Exceptions to distance restrictions. Cannabis business located north of Highway 694, east <br />of Interstate 35W and west of State Highway 10 in the Gateway Business zoning district <br />shall be exempt from the distance requirements of City Code 1325.047 Subd. 2. <br />Subd. 3 Development Standards <br />A. Must be licensed by the State of Minnesota and in compliance with the standards set by <br />Minnesota Statutes, Minnesota Rules, and the Office of Cannabis Management. <br />B. Security. <br />1.The facility shall be secured as required by Minnesota Statutes, Minnesota Rules, <br />and the Office of Cannabis Management. <br />2.Any security bars, gates, or grills shall be retractable, shall remain open and <br />retracted when the cannabis business is open to the public or otherwise in <br />operation, and shall not be installed on the exterior of the building. <br />C.Outdoor operations are prohibited. <br />D. The facility shall not produce noxious or nuisance causing odors, subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />1.The facility shall be ventilated so that all odors cannot be detected by a person <br />with a normal sense of smell at the exterior of the facility or at any adjoining use <br />or property. <br />2.Growing cannabis must comply with all applicable laws and shall not produce <br />noxious or dangerous gases or odors or otherwise create a danger to any person or <br />entity in or near the facilities.