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<br /> if", .CoO VilLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> MINUTES OF VILLAGE ELECTiON <br /> . <br /> At the Annual Village Election of the Vlifage of Arden Hills in <br /> the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, held at the Village <br /> of Arden Hi lis, Precinct I and Precinct 2 being the piace where <br /> It was directed to be held by the Village Council after giving due <br /> notice thereof as provided by I atl, on the ~rd day of November, 1970, <br /> the election boards. as attached. being qualified voters of said <br /> V II I age, to act as Judges of such Election. and one qualified voter <br /> of said Village to act as Chairman for each precinct of such Election. <br /> each of whom had wlth]n twenty days before such time designated and <br /> appointed by the Village Council to act as Judges and Chairmen <br /> respectively of such Election. each of them duly took and subscribed <br /> an oath to falthful!y discharge the duties required of them at <br /> such Election; and the said Judges and Chairmen being duly qualified. <br /> forthwith opened the po~ls by proclamation, and the Election pro- <br /> ceeded by ballot without adjournment or intermission until closed. <br /> The subjects voted on at such Election, as stated in the Notice <br /> thereof. tlera: <br /> To Elect two Councilmen for terms of three years each <br /> a Justice of the Peace for a term of two years <br /> At 8:00 o'clock in the afternoon of said day the po!ls were closed. <br /> The Judges then proceeded to public!y count and Canvass the votes, <br /> and a true statement thereof was duly proclaimed to the voters by <br /> the Clerk Administrator who recorded the same In the Village Minute <br /> Book. <br /> STATEMENT OF RESULT OF CANVASS <br /> The fol lowing Is a true sta-tement of the result of the counting and <br /> canvass of votes by ballot at the Annual Village EOectlon of the <br /> Village of Arden Hi lis, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota. <br /> held Tuesday, November 3. 1910 as proclaimed to the voters by the <br /> Chairman of Election: <br /> E. Gray Henderson rece I ved 1362 voi-es for Counc i I man <br /> John Hollenhorst received 1347 voi-es for Counc! Bman <br /> Robert Anderson rece i ved I votes for Councilman <br /> Joseph Kahnke rece I ved I votes for Councilman <br /> Donald Gode rece I ved ! votes for Councilman <br /> Fred Nixon received I votes for Council man <br />, Pat Sexton received , votes for Counci Iman <br />, John Bell rece i ved , vo-hits for Counellman <br />! Richard Meyers received I votes for Counc I I man <br /> Robert Camerln received I votes for Councl'man <br /> Brant Kretsch rece I ved I votes for Counc I i man <br /> Jack Lambert reCe i ved I votes for Councilman <br /> Carl Nast rece i ved I votes for Counc II man <br /> E. Gray Henderson and John Hollenhorst were declared elected <br /> Councilmen for terms of 3 years each. <br /> Jack Marchand received 733 votes for Justice of the Peace <br /> Victor O. Pomerenke rece i ved 886 votes for Justice of the Peace <br /> Berkley Mickelson received I vo-re for Justice of the Peace <br /> Richard Meyers rece I ved 2.votes for Justice of the Peace <br /> John Rogers received i vote for Justice of the Peace <br /> Victor O. Pomerenke was declared elected Justice of the Peace for <br /> a term of 2 years. <br />: <br /> . <br /> orralne Stromquist <br /> Clerk Administrator <br /> . <br /> ---,------- -- <br />