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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION - NOVEMBER 12,2024 <br />Councilmember Monson asked for clarification that we no longer have an underfunded levy. <br />She asked if there is $ I 1 8,000 that will be in the positive. <br />Finance Director Yang said the S 1 18,000 includes the $ 192,000 underfunded amount at the time <br />of the September 23 meeting. It's logistics of where she put it. We still need the levy to be <br />$823,281 in order to balance the lely. <br />Councilmember Monson asked if there is a reason the money was moved. <br />Finance Director Yang it shows how the math comes together. It differentiates between total <br />General Fund costs and any ler,y costs that are left underfunded. <br />Councilmember Monson summarized there is no underfunded ler,y cost. Finance Director <br />Yang confirmed. <br />Finance Director Yang said union negations are still ongoing and that could impact the overall <br />levy. She asked ifCouncil had any feedback or any changes that are needed. <br />Mayor Grant said that discussion could take longer than the few minutes left in the work session. <br />He said the City Council meeting should be short. He asked if Council would be okay to adjoum <br />and come back after the regular City Council meeting. <br />Councilmember Holden said she thought Council decided not to do that because when the topic <br />was TCAAP, Council thought it would be too late in the evening. <br />Mayor Grant said the Council meeting will be short. He thought we could set some parameters. <br />Councilmember Rousseau said that everything on the Council meeting is a consent item. There <br />are no public hearings or other items that will have a lot of discussion. <br />Council recessed the work session at 6:52 pm. <br />Council reconvened the work session at7:28 pm <br />Mayor Grant reminded council of where they left off. The question on the table is, What lely <br />decrease, if any, would Council like to consider for the Truth in Taxation (llNT) meeting? <br />Councilmember Monson thought previous years they were given multiple choices at the TNT <br />meeting. She asked for a reminder of how it works. <br />Finance Director Yang said as part of the memo there are a few scenarios. <br />Councilmember Monson wondered if they would all be shown at the TNT meeting. <br />Finance Director Yang said she can. <br />Councilmember Holden said the budget has been earmarked but does not update on several <br />items. She is concerned about the four trail projects coming up. The Master Park Plan doesn't <br />make sense because she would rather pay for the trails now and put the Master Park Plan out a <br />t0