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ARDEN HILLS CITY COI.TNCIL WORK SESSION - NOVEMBEP. 12,2024 <br />Councilmember Rousseau asked about the food truck fee. She wondered if that was accurate. <br />Assistant to the City Administrator/City Cterk Hanson said that is an error and will be fixed. <br />Councilmember Rousseau would like to discuss the dog and cat licensing further to determine if <br />it's still appropriate. <br />Councilmember Fabel said there is a recycling fee of $60. He asked if that was a quarterly or <br />annual fee. He asked how we get away with that. We don't generate revenue sufficient to cover <br />recycling. <br />Mayor Grant said we also get an annual grant from Ramsey County. <br />Assistant to the City Administrator/City Clerk Hanson said Councilmember Rousseau had <br />asked about car washes. Surrounding communities don't require a business license for car washes. <br />It is a CUP. If the council wants to require business licenses for car washes, we can create a <br />category or maybe fitting it in under an existing category. <br />Discussion ensued regarding how many businesses have a car wash component to their business. <br />Mayor Grant asked when the Fee Schedule will be brought back. <br />Assistant to the City Administrator/City Clerk Hanson said another version, which includes <br />adult use cannabis registrations, will be brought to the next meeting. The final approval will <br />probably be at the first meeting in December. <br />Mayor Grant asked if this would come back to another work session. <br />Assistant to the City Administrator/City Clerk Hanson confirmed. Related to the adult use <br />cannabis registration. <br />Mayor Grant asked if Council could discuss cats and dogs at that meeting. <br />Assistant to the City Administrator/City Clerk Hanson confirmed. <br />Mayor Grant asked if Staff could survey surrounding communities and see what everyone else <br />does for pet licenses. He asked if this is a two-year license and what the schedule is. <br />Assistant to the City Administrator/City Clerk Hanson confirmed it is two-years. Everyone is <br />on the same schedule. If they apply mid-way the fee is prorated to include just one year. We are in <br />a new two-year cycle, beginning January 1,2025. <br />Mayor Grant requested additional information be brought back to Council. <br />D. Rice Creek Commons/TCAAP Discussion <br />This item was not discussed. <br />t7