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ARDEN HILLS CITY COLINCIL WORK SESSION - NOVEMBER 12,2024 <br />Mayor Grant thought the first year was $40,000, or lYo and then the second year was another 1% <br />and the third year was another 1%. By the time we get to the forth year, you have increased by 3 <br />lery points which would be $150,000 to pay for the chiefs, but it sounds like it's not built into this <br />year's budget. <br />Councilmember Holden said it went to a specific account for fire. <br />Mayor Grant confirmed. He said that is what Council requested. The revenue that came in would <br />go directly into the fire department's budget. <br />Finance Director Yang will follow up on that item. <br />Mayor Grant asked about the information on the slide regarding other taxes. He asked what the <br />$92,000 for Special Revenue Fund is. <br />Finance Director Yang said that was for the Cable TV Fund. <br />Mayor Grant asked if the $435,000 is franchise fees. <br />Finance Director Yang confirmed. <br />Councilmember Fabel asked if the $4.3 million net change in fund balance for 2024 is deficit <br />spending from2024. <br />Finance Director Yang confirmed. <br />Councilmember Fabel asked if it is projected that in 2025 there will be $3 million deficit <br />spending. <br />Finance Director Yang confirmed. <br />Councilmember Fabel asked what lely level that was. <br />Finance Director Yang said it was 15.5%. She noted the Capital Project Funds and the <br />Enterprise Funds categories is what is driving the $3 million deficit. We don't necessarily levy <br />that much in a year. For capital spending, we primarily focus on fund balance. We make sure <br />there is a positive fund balance to cover future expenditures. The deficit is due to the timing of <br />those capital proj ect expenditures. <br />Finance Director Yang shared the City-wide summary by revenue and expenditure type. On the <br />revenue side, 83% is generated by charges for services and taxes. On the expenditures side, 95% <br />is from other services and charges, capital expenditures and personnel expenditures. The other <br />services and charges represents 47o/o and includes public safety which is police, dispatch, fire, <br />legal protective inspections, etc. The CIP is 29oh and personnel is l9oh. <br />Finance Director Yang said in terms of wages and benefits, FTE is increasing by 0.75 due to the <br />addition of the Parks and Recreation Manager in2025. Total personnel costs are increasing by <br />$358,880 from 2024 to 2025. S290,870 will hit the General Fund.