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V <br />1, 1dr 1 <br />1(e.1 <br />Early History <br />curing ,the early history ( 195 :. ,- 1966) ei ehe Village ; the P. blc WelfareCommitteewasresponsibleforPublicHealehandParksandRe<..r .ation bus:.-ness when advising the Counci:. . Records show the ''i :.lage sponr ored someecreationalservices . Monies were budgeted for supervision and maintain-ing a rink and shelter at the beach area on Lake Johanna . <br />Minutes indicated that early Councils were concerned about pars and playareas . Freeway Park property was purchased in 1961 for <br />Freeway Park improvements (hockeyboards , lights Ipley ipFimet ,grits and some glary equipment)were installed in 1965 . <br />Additional early park acquisition and deve +opne; a;s were: <br />Floral Park - Park land purchased in 1965 . Eleven acres were urchasedfor $11 ,000, 9 additional acres were purchased in 1969 for uee as a CivicCenter , <br />Perry Park - 20 acres were purchased in 1966 for $20 ,,000 . Fir t develop-ment was not completed until 1972 . Permanent shelter , hockey ::,inks andlights , two ball fields , roadway and parking ware cct.structec oa $95 ,042 „ <br />Ingerson Park 'i acres purchased in 1967 for $2 1 , 000 . <br />Sampson Park - Me . Sampson donated one lot in 1970 . Two addit_. oval taxforfeitedlotswerealsoclaimerbytheVillageforthenark , Metal climb-ing structure and sawing r:et were /natalled in k971 . <br />Official Parks and Recreation Committee members were not recc reed until1968 . At this n ,.age of Village development tee Committee was ` ruly a <br />working" summitee . Committee members were involved in plart: ng trees ;laying sod ; building play equipment and supervising the g;r:adin of parksitesandconstructionofparkshelters . <br />Perry Park was' the Village 's first major park de-.relerment , t , remendt?usamountoftimeand -energy was s1 ent by the Park Comrl ctee an.c ounci- in <br />planning , coordinating and completing the first stage of devela pment, ItbecameobviousthataParksDirectorayesnecessarytoplan , coc,rdinate acdsupervisefutureparkdevelopments . Through the recommer..datior from theParksCommitteeandunanimousseaportoftheCouncilafulltit.: : DirectorofParksandRecreationwashiredinJuneof1972 . <br />1973 was a year of reflection, setting of goals :xel building tl e founda-tion for the d)jpart-sent. During that year: <br />1 . The .. , - Crdirance #98 era; fenalized and ai provedbytheCou:aci.l. <br />2 . A Parks & Recreation Servey xaas written and submitted to the <br />residents . <br />3 . The Vial:ag.n Comprehensive Park Report was written and approved <br />by the Parrs and Recreation Committee: and finally by the November of 1973 . This report has served as the s andardandguidefortheacquisitionofpar`£ land and eevelo ttent ofteeparks ?atem.