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APPENDIX C <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS, MINN. <br />Parks end Recreation Dept . <br />Capital Improvement Program <br />Program Description : This program includes neighborhood parks ,recreational structures .and facilities, pedestrian or bike waysystem, and open spaces. <br />f)2 <br />In the city of Arden Hills , the goal of at least 6 acres of pub-yticrecreationalopenspacewillbe.•prsserved for every i00 <br />b residents. <br />A primary goal of the Arden Hills Park System is to provide aneighborhoodparkwithinwalkingaccessofeveryresident. Walk-ing access is defined as being within maximum distance of one-half mile without intervening physical obstac les which preventsafetravel . <br />Development - Public Lands <br />A. At least four acres will be maintained in the natural <br />state as passive recreational area (swamps , water ways , <br />lakes, woods , meadows ) . <br />At least one acre will be maintained as active recrea- <br />tional area (parks ball fields, public school grounds ,tennis courts , skating rinks, recreational buildings ; etc. <br />C. Through the City a trail system at least one mile per1000residentswillbemaintainedforitsrecreational <br />values and for linking the neighborhoods together. 50% <br />of the trails will be suitably surfaced to facilitate <br />bicycle travel . <br />0. The development of the park system must be coordinated <br />with : <br />1 . The growth of the community . <br />2. The desire of the residents for recreational <br />facilities and services. <br />3. The availability of monies through taxes , dedi - <br />cation funds , state and federal grants , etc. <br />Every attempt will be made to distribute recreational facilitiesthroughouttheCityo ` Arden Hills . Minimum standards for rc:cre-ational facilities are : <br />General skating rinks 1 per 1000 residents <br />Paved courts 1 per 1000 residents <br />Hockey ranks 1 per 2000 residents <br />Tennis courts I per 1500 residents <br />Softbali (60' ) fields 1 per 1000 residents <br />Baseball (90' ) fields 1 per 4000 residents <br />Swimming pools or beaches 1 per 5000 residents <br />Sliding hills I per 4000 residents