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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—NOVEMBER 25, 2024 9 <br /> Mayor Grant recommended staff rewrite the code in such a manner to meet the desired <br /> requirements. <br /> Councilmember Fabel commented on the hours of operation requirements. He stated he would <br /> like to see the City ordinance reflecting the minimum hours of operation required by State law. <br /> Consultant Planner Hofer reported the most restrictive hours that could be approved within the <br /> ordinance would be 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Sunday. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the mezzobusiness and microbusinesses could be removed <br /> from the ordinance. <br /> Consultant Planner Hofer discouraged the Council from proceeding in this manner. He <br /> explained mezzobusinesses and microbusinesses are a specific license type the City may want to <br /> regulate. He reported the Council could opt to limit mezzobusiness and microbusinesses within <br /> the Gateway Business District. <br /> Councilmember Holden supported removing microbusiness and mezzobusinesses from the <br /> ordinance altogether. In addition, she recommended cannabis sales not be allowed in the Gateway <br /> Business district or the B-3 business district. <br /> Councilmember Fabel stated he thought he heard Consultant Planner Hofer recommend against <br /> the elimination of the microbusiness and mezzobusiness language from the ordinance. <br /> Consultant Planner Hofer directed this question to the City Attorney. <br /> City Attorney Bjerkness stated if the question was could the microbusiness and mezzobusiness <br /> language be removed, she believed the answer was no. She detailed how the language could <br /> remain for the B-4 zoning district but that the language could be removed for the Gateway <br /> Business and B-3 zoning districts. <br /> Councilmember Fabel commented given the concerns regarding odor, perhaps cannabis retail, <br /> microbusiness and mezzobusinesses should be limited to the B-4 zoning district. <br /> Mayor Grant supported the City putting proper regulations in place with the understanding the <br /> Council could always revisit the matter at a future date. <br /> Councilmember Holden believed it made more sense to allow retail sales in the B-4 zoning <br /> district versus the Gateway Business District because this area doesn't really have a small <br /> location and instead was full of warehouses with high ceilings. <br /> City Attorney Bjerkness stated after researching the matter further, she indicated the City cannot <br /> prohibit businesses with a microbusiness and mezzobusiness license. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Mayor Grant seconded a motion to adopt <br /> Ordinance 2024-015 for Planning Case 24-019 regarding a Zoning Code <br /> Amendment to Chapter 13, Section 1305 to establish definitions for cannabis <br /> uses, 1320 to determine zoning districts for cannabis uses, and 1325 to <br /> establish performance standards for cannabis uses. <br />