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ARDEN HILLS CITY COLINCIL WORK SESSION _ NOVEMBER25,2O24 <br />Mayor Grant said if someone is bit, if the owner has licensed them, then you can be certain they <br />have had their shots. <br />Councilmember Rousseau said it is unlikely we'll be bit by one of the 28 licensed cats. This <br />process is not being utilized by cat owners. <br />Councilmember Holden would support a lifetime license. <br />Assistant to the City Administrator/City Clerk Hanson said there were more cities that didn't <br />license cats. She thinks the primary users of the cat license are the Bethel students. Bethel knows <br />it's in our ordinance so they require their students to obtain a license. <br />Mayor Grant asked if Councilmember Holden is in support of lifetime licenses. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if there is a distinction between cats or dogs. <br />Councilmember Fabel said they are both in the ordinance now. He thinks dogs are the greater <br />issue, in terms of safety. <br />Mayor Grant asked what the proposed fee for a lifetime license of an animal would be. <br />Councilmember Fabel thought $50. Mayor Grant agreed. <br />Mayor Grant asked what else needs to be discussed on the Fee Schedule. <br />Assistant to the City Administrator/City Clerk Hanson said cannabis. She pointed out the <br />options. She said everyone is just starting to have this conversation so it will be interesting to see <br />where surrounding cities land. She rerninded this is a cannabis registration, not a license. The <br />Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) issues the license. <br />Mayor Grant read the guideline that we could charge up to half the fee charged by OCM. He's <br />fine with that. <br />Councilmember Rousseau asked if we had to include a cannabis event. She doesn't envision <br />insurance covering an event like that. <br />Assistant to the City Administrator/City Clerk Hanson said that was in the discussion with the <br />City Attorney. We do have to allow those types of events. Council has some leeway. She said we <br />can't exclude them but can add reasonable conditions to them. Council can reduce the number of <br />days for an event and/or restrict or prohibit on-site consumption in order to protect the public <br />health and general welfare. There would be an event permit. <br />Councilmember Rousseau would be interested in requiring on-site insurance. She thinks <br />limiting it to one day and indoors, is okay for now. Later on, it can be opened up. <br />Mayor Grant asked about the Fee Schedule for violations. He outlined first violation is $1,000, <br />second is $2,000 plus 3-day license suspension, third would be $2,000 plus 7-day license <br />suspension and fourth violation within 36 months would be revocation of the registration.