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City of Arden Hills <br />RFP for Recycling Services <br />Form G: Certification of Acceptance of the Draft Arden Hills <br />Contract or Notification of Proposed Exceptions <br />[Respondent's Company Name] has reviewed the draft City of Arden Hills Contract <br />(Attachment A) in the RFP. <br />❑ We have no changes to request to the draft Contract and we have no exceptions <br />to the proposed Contract language. We hereby certify that our legal counsel for our <br />company has reviewed the draft Contract and accepts the language "as is". If awarded <br />the Contract by the City, we hereby certify that we will execute the final Contract without <br />any proposed changes. <br />Or <br />❑ We have exceptions to the draft Contract language. We have proposed changes <br />to request to the draft Contract. We have attached a redline ("tracked changes") version <br />of the draft Contract that itemizes our changes or exceptions. We hereby certify that our <br />legal counsel for our company has reviewed the draft Contract and accepts the <br />language with the proposed changes. No other exceptions or changes are or will be <br />proposed. If awarded the Contract, we hereby certify that we will execute the final <br />Contract if our proposed changes are accepted by the City. <br />Signature of person duly authorized to sign submittal on behalf of the respondent: <br />Authorized Signature <br />Printed Name <br />Date <br />Form G - 1 <br />