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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — NOVEMBER 7, 2024 10 <br />Councilmember Rousseau asked if it would be beneficial for the PTRC to be invited to the <br />meeting when the Parks MOU is discussed. Then they will be getting the information and can <br />provide input. <br />Mayor Grant said Council needs to determine if there is value in spending a lot of additional <br />time on this, working through committees and bringing everyone up to speed. At one point speed <br />was of the essence. He doesn't understand why it seems to some that is no longer the case. <br />Councilmember Monson said she hadn't considered the timing when she suggested having it go <br />back to PTRC. She would rather go faster. She does like the idea of extending and invitation to <br />whoever wants to come when the discussion happens. <br />Councilmember Rousseau would like to schedule meetings to get them on the calendar and they <br />can be cancelled if they aren't needed. <br />Councilmember Holden said at one time there was discussion of a museum or a historical <br />building. She said this is a historic site. It would be nice to have a marker of some kind at the <br />entrance to the development. She wants that to still be a part of the plan. Maybe it's something to <br />add to the Term Sheet. The County and Bob Lux aren't going to negotiate for that. <br />Mayor Grant said there are multiple topics to discuss. Somehow the Council needs to decide <br />how we move forward. <br />Councilmember Rousseau said that could be part of the Parks MOU, having a space for the <br />historical piece. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if Stacie Kvilvang remembers where that piece is. <br />Stacie Kvilvang said it isn't a bad thing to put it down. She wasn't sure if it needs to go on the <br />Term Sheet. <br />Mayor Grant said it could go on the Term Sheet. He likes the idea of taking something back to <br />the PTRC even if it takes a little longer. <br />Councilmember Holden would like to see the parks and trail map. The numbers have changed. <br />We need to dig into that to see if certain parks need to be expanded because of how the residential <br />units have changed in certain areas. <br />Stacie Kvilvang said it would be helpful to have Bob Lux and his team provide that. Council can <br />request where we were before and where they are today. She is sure they have some designs laid <br />out. Then Council can discuss required acreage or what will be programmed at each park. <br />Kori Land thinks having the PTRC weigh in would be a good idea. That's what their passion is. <br />Councilmember Rousseau would like to have a conversation about it and bring the PTRC in as <br />we are revisiting this old information. <br />Councilmember Holden she agrees. The PTRC will want the most beautiful park. Council needs <br />to make the parks fit into a budget. <br />