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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — NOVEMBER 12, 2024 13 <br />criticized projects the City does. Staff carries the burden when there is no solid plan to rely on. He <br />sees a benefit to completing a Parks Master Plan. <br />Mayor Grant objected to the word "criticized". <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen said if we do one thing, Staff is criticized for <br />doing it that way. Questions are why we didn't do it a different way. If we plant the wrong tree in <br />the wrong location, we are criticized. We can do understory rehab and be criticized. We need a <br />solid plan to follow so Staff isn't bearing that burden. <br />Councilmember Rousseau is in favor of doing the Parks Master Plan this year. When she shares <br />that her child was bored, it's not just her child. There are a number of her neighbors who said <br />their kids don't want to play at these parks anymore. She may ride bikes to Wilson in Shoreview <br />because they can't get across the freeways to get to the other parks. If we wait until 2026 to <br />complete the Parks Master Plan, when are we going to budget resources to execute it? Will it be <br />in 2027 when we're paying for the trails? She apologized about the Cadillac comment. <br />Councilmember Fabel was not offended by the Cadillac comment. He has 4 children and 5 <br />grand children who like to use the parks. He supports keeping the Parks Master Plan in this year. <br />Councilmember Monson outlined what Staff needs. She said 15.5% will balance. She wondered <br />what it would look like to remove the $75,000 for the Parks Plan. She is fine with the 15.5% and <br />13% would put us under by $132,000. She asked how much underfunded the 12.55% was last <br />year. <br />Finance Director Yang said $182,000. <br />Councilmember Monson asked if that was the number when it was voted on it. She thought it <br />was closer to $130,000. She didn't know if there is a threshold point for other Councilmember <br />who are willing to underfund the budget. She would be fine with 15.5% and showing 13%. She <br />said if someone else has a percentage that reflects a dollar amount that will be made up in the <br />budget during the year, either from not spending anything or from extra revenue coming in, she <br />would like to hear it, so we know what percentages to talk about at the Truth and Taxation. <br />Councilmember Holden said we already know it's not going to be 15.5% without under <br />budgeting. Last year we did $182,000, but we are meeting budget this year. Additional costs will <br />have to go into this. It's already under budgeted at 15.5%. <br />Councilmember Monson said that's our maximum. So we can't do anything about that, anyway. <br />Councilmember Holden confirmed. She said she doesn't believe Councilmember Monson <br />wants to hear what anyone else says. Everyone is going to have their own opinion and it's a waste <br />to argue about stuff. <br />Mayor Grant said we have shown that, traditionally, our expenditures are not as high as we <br />anticipate and we tend to come in on budget. We can under fund by a certain percentage. There is <br />a risk we'll come out a little below. He would rather do that than fully fund and end up with an <br />excess of revenue. <br />