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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — AUGUST 12, 2024 9 <br />Councilmember Rousseau returned to the Safe Routes to School conversation. The <br />determination was based on data and scoring. She wondered if we should be looking at increasing <br />the scoring by partnering with Mounds View School District. <br />Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen said he will reach out to Mounds View <br />School District to see if there is interest in doing Safe Routes to School on a larger scale. He plans <br />to start that conversation this week, pending what we hear from MNDOT. He said we did score <br />well, but they suggested that if we could boost the scores, that would be helpful. <br />Councilmember Rousseau asked if MNDOT had any other recommendations or is that the space <br />where we can get the most points? <br />Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen stated they are looking to expand their <br />own scoring. There is an All Abilities transportation plan through Ramsey County and MNDOT <br />wants to see if they can include that into their scoring. So they are looking to expand it to more <br />than just Safe Routes to School. <br />Councilmember Rousseau asked if they might have different criteria in two years? <br />Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen said it could be included this time <br />around. That information will come out in late September. We will be looking at boosting the <br />scoring based on the feedback we got last week. <br />Councilmember Fabel asked for confirmation that the Lake Johanna Boulevard is planned for <br />2028. Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen confirmed. Councilmember <br />Fabel asked if there were significant efficiencies that could be achieved by having the trail work <br />done at the same time as the road work. <br />Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen said yes. Ideally you would do it all in <br />one plan set so it is all constructed at the same time. <br />Councilmember Holden said we aren't just talking about Lake Johanna and Highway 10. She <br />said we are hoping MNDOT is going to do the 51 trail. <br />Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen confirmed. They reached out to the <br />surrounding cities and agencies to inform us they are looking to construct that in 2026. <br />Councilmember Holden wondered what the cost of the Lake Josephine trail will be. <br />Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen said a rough estimate of City cost is <br />approximately $100,000. Which would be a 50150 cost share with the county that they would <br />match. <br />Councilmember Monson there is a small stretch between Lake Johanna Boulevard and Elmer <br />Anderson and she is surprised they didn't loop that in with the Lake Johanna project. <br />Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen said they were going to but their <br />pavement preservation program is repaving County Road E in 2026. They asked if there is <br />interest in adding the trail facility there during that project in 2026. <br />