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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION <br /> FEBRUARY 17,2004 4 <br />. responsc to the bomb threats, aside from having a patrol presence, specializcd resources <br /> of thc County such as a bomb detective dog were also utilizcd. Sheriff Fletchcr further <br /> indicated that thc Ramsey County Sheriff s Dcpartmcnt has over 50 officers of color and <br /> that they havc been a great asset in dcaling with various racial issues. <br /> Mr. Jacobson indicated that they have employed a similar responsc to the situations at <br /> lrondale High School. The school was evacuated, thc firc department was called out, <br /> Ramsey County resources were utilized, and New Brighton patrol responded to assist <br /> with the scene. A Ramsey County bomb dog was brought out to evaluate the school. A <br /> suspect was identified very quickly and is being followed up by the SRO. The suspect <br /> has been charged in connection with this incident. <br /> Councilmcmber Rem inquircd whether Arden Hills is currently paying for specialized <br /> services that are available on a county-wide basis. Sheriff Fletcher indicated that <br /> services that are generally available on a county-widc basis are paid for by the County <br /> and outside of the contract. <br /> 2.B City Hall Update <br /> Mr. Moore provided a brief update on the mold rcmediation and HV AC system with <br /> regard to City Hall. He also asked the Council if they had any preferences with regard to <br />. any of thc landscaping, turf, and prairie grass options that were outlined in the staff <br /> memo. The consensus of thc Council was to reconsider any additional trees along <br /> Highway 96 when the Highway 96 reconstruction project is complctcd and to leave the <br /> turf "as is" and revisit this issue in the spring. The Council also indicated they would like <br /> to maintain the prairie grass through it's natural thrcc year cycle and reevaluate that issue <br /> atler the three year cycle. <br /> 2.C Economic Development Commission <br /> Mr. Parrish presented an update on an ordinance language that would create an <br /> Economic Development Commission within the City of Ardcn Hills and briefly discussed <br /> the roles and responsibilities that a commission would have and how it would be <br /> structured. <br /> Councilmembcr Holden indicatcd a preference for outlining a specific number of <br /> residents on the commission and a preference for having some type of attendance <br /> provisions written into thc ordinance that would be cause for removal if one of the <br /> mcmbers of the commission was not actively participating. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski indicated a preference for multiple ycar terms and staggering terms <br /> for all city commissions and would like to start with this one. <br />. <br />