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<br /> ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br /> SEPTEMBER 27,2004 7 <br /> . County Public Works Department has held two informational neighborhood meetings for the <br /> Arden Hills residents impacted by this project. The meetings were held at the Arden Hills City <br /> HalL In addition, the Ramsey County Public Works Department appeared twice before the City <br /> Council to provide updates concerning this project. He noted the major items for discussion and <br /> approval for the City Council would be approval of the Project Development Report (PDR); <br /> approval of the Cooperative Agreement; and the approval of the Right-of-way (ROW) Plan. It <br /> was being recommended that the City Council review, make any necessary changes and then <br /> approve the Project Development Report, Cooperative Agreement PW2004-10 and the Right-of- <br /> Way Plan for the 2005 Lexington A venue Reconstruction Project. <br /> Mr. Tolaas further stated they had prepared a Project Development Report summarizing the <br /> project and reviewed the major points of the project. He noted they still needed to work with <br /> Guidant on the Cummings Parkway connection. <br /> Councilmember Larson requested information as to how the City would be informed of any <br /> problems with acquisition of right-of-way properties, specifically with issues of eminent domain. <br /> Mr. Tolaas replied the Connty would keep staff informed and would work with staff on issues <br /> such as these, He explained the process they would use to determine the market value of the <br /> right-of-ways. He stated if they had an eminent domain issue, they would work with staff and <br /> Council on this. <br /> . Ms. Wolfe suggested Council discuss a sidewalk vs. traiL Mr. Tolaas summarized the <br /> differences between a sidewalk and trail and noted if they went with a sidewalk, there would be <br /> cost savings for the City, but the County was willing to go either way. <br /> Councilmember Larson asked how much of a shoulder would there be along Lexington Avenue <br /> for bike riders. Mr. Tolaas replied there would not be a shoulder along Lexington Avenue and it <br /> would not be safe for bikers to be riding in the road, especially during peak hours. He noted that <br /> putting in a trail would encroach on some resident properties and those residents would not be <br /> happy about it. He stated Council needed to make a decision on these issues this week, if <br /> possible. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski stated she would prefer 5-foot sidewalks due to the lesser impact to the <br /> residents and it would mirror what Shoreview was doing. Councilmember Rem agreed. <br /> MOTION: Mayor Aplikowski moved and Councilmember Larson seconded a motion to approve <br /> a 5-foot sidewalk on Lexington Avenue. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Larson moved and Councilmember Holden seconded the <br /> Project Development Report, Cooperative Agreement PW2004-1O and the <br /> Right-of-Way Plan for the 2005 Lexington Avenue Reconstruction Project <br /> . as amended with changes Council approved at this meeting regarding the <br /> width of the sidewalk on the west side of Lexington A venue and the costs <br /> to finance the project. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br />