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CC 10-12-2004
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City Council Minutes
CC 10-12-2004
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br /> OCTOBER 12, 2004 12 <br />. any landscaping done, but if an irrigation system were put in, the City would probably maintain <br /> it. <br /> Mr. Moore stated the City would take over the maintenance of the irrigation system, if one was <br /> put in, but he did not believe an irrigation system would be put in. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the new SOOMHZ system was in affect and how the City was <br /> maintaining their 911 system separate from St. Paul. Ms. Wolfe replied they had a meeting on <br /> this last week and they had worked through a lot of the concerns brought up in the recent letter <br /> that had been sent. She stated the County Board directed they locate a site that would ultimately <br /> be large enough to dispatch for the entire County, but they were not moving into that until they <br /> could address the cost issues. <br /> Councilmember Grant - Stated he believed the neighborhood meetings were well attended. <br /> However, he indicated there was confusion among residents that the residents could not attend <br /> meetings outside of their precinct. He suggested they change the name of their meetings to not <br /> include precinct numbers, but instead name them City meeting I of 4, etc. He stated some of the <br /> new street signs were up and most of them were looking good, but some of them were at 45- <br /> degree angles to the streets, but he understood those would be corrected in the near future. He <br /> stated the County had acquired the property on the other side of the railroad north of Tony <br />. Schmidt Park. He indicated the idea of painting crosswalks in a number of locations was a good <br /> idea and requested staff look at other areas in the City where a crosswalk would be beneficial. <br /> He asked how the move into the new maintenance facility was progressing. Mr. Moore replied <br /> that all of the large equipment had been moved into the new maintenance facility and now <br /> personal items and tools were being moved into the facility. He noted as of this week, they were <br /> up and operational at the new facility with the phones and fax being operational tomorrow. <br /> Councilmember Larson - Stated he agreed with Councilmember Grant regarding changing the <br /> names of the neighborhood meetings as well as putting in crosswalks in the City at intersections <br /> that needed them. He requested a future discussion with the Council as to what they visualized <br /> for the old City Hall site, now that there was a possible development proposal being discussed. <br /> Mr. Clark stated he understood staff did have authorization to have discussions with the <br /> developer and they had received an offer today on the property and this was on the agenda for <br /> discussion at their Work session next week. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski - Stated she had returned from a conference in Duluth today and Aaron <br /> Parrish sent greetings back to the Council. She stated she hoped the City paint crosswalks at <br /> intersections because this was an important issue. Mr. Moore replied these were County <br /> crosswalks and in the past the City was not permitted to do the work on the crosswalks and the <br /> crosswalks would be done by the County when their schedule permitted. However, he indicated <br /> he would check with the County as to whether they would move this up on their schedule, or <br />. whether they would give City maintenance staff permission to stripe the crosswalks themselves <br /> and would update Council on this in the future. <br />
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