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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – December 4, 2024 8 <br /> <br />Mr. Fink stated in one of the early worksession meetings with the City Council, he identified <br />several potential flexibility areas, one was the floor area ratio (FAR) and the other was building <br />height. He commented the density number was also being considered. He commented on the <br />landscaping plan noting he would have to plant a great deal more plantings than he had originally <br />thought. He indicated the building height could probably be brought into conformance. He stated <br />the proposed building was at 38 feet when the City allows for 35 feet. He believed the three feet <br />difference was reasonable given how building standards have changed and renters now want nine <br />foot ceiling heights. He reported Arden Hills was quite unique in having an FAR in a residential <br />district. He stated in order to reduce the FAR he would have to eliminate the proposed public <br />space or amenities within the building. He indicated when it comes to density, this matter was <br />addressed early on through the comprehensive plan amendment, which allowed for a flexibility <br />to exceed 12 units per acre. He explained he would only be exceeding this by one or two units <br />per acre. <br /> <br />Chair Weber stated this may only be one or two units per acre, but ended up being 20+ units <br />more for the entire development. <br /> <br />Mr. Fink discussed how he exceeded many of the performance standards required by the City by <br />having more open space than required by ordinance, the building had a smaller footprint, more <br />parking, and the project had more landscaping and less impervious surface than was required. <br /> <br />Chair Weber was of the opinion the City needed more affordable housing and asked if there was <br />any opportunity to add affordable housing units to this development. <br /> <br />Mr. Fink commented this was the first time this has come up. He indicated he had not addressed <br />affordable housing. He reported typically affordable units came with some sort of assistance from <br />the City. He stated he would need to know what an affordable unit means. <br /> <br />Chair Weber stated this development was providing a unique opportunity to the City by <br />providing residential housing on a property that does not pay property tax. He explained he <br />would like to see affordable housing incorporated into this housing development and if finances <br />were required from the City this would be a good investment for the City. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wicklund asked where the proposed housing product sits on the expense side of <br />construction. <br /> <br />Mr. Fink reported the proposed units would have high quality construction and finishes and the <br />building would have architectural appeal. He indicated he would not be building the highest <br />quality building, but anticipated the units would be constructed above average. He believed his <br />market rate rents would be comparable to the other rental units in the community. <br /> <br />Commissioner Collins questioned what the rental rates would be. <br /> <br />Mr. Fink estimated the rental rate ranges would be $1,900 to $3,000 per month depending on the <br />size of the unit. <br /> <br />Chair Weber asked if the developer had spoken with Ramsey County regarding coordination for <br />the intersection.