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CC 11-29-2004
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City Council Minutes
CC 11-29-2004
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br /> NOVEMBER 29,2004 6 <br />. be locked into their decision. He noted if the bridge were replaced in the future, a walkway <br /> would probably be put on both sides at that time. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she understood the City Engineer had recommended building on <br /> the north side of the street. Mr. Brown replied the north side of the street was preferable if <br /> money was not an object, and if some solution could be made for the garage that would be too <br /> close to the sidewalk. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski asked Council make a firn1 decision on this tonight and to look into the <br /> future before any final decision is made. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if they could spend MSA money on a fire truck. <br /> Councilmember Larson replied he was not implying they could use MSA money for the <br /> purchase ofa fire truck. He was simply using it as an example of what $211,000 would buy. <br /> Lee Kern, 1400 West County Road E, asked how much of the money was the City responsible <br /> for. Councilmember Grant summarized what the State would be contributing and what the <br /> City would be contributing. He noted however, this was a grant application and there was no <br /> guarantee the City would receive this money. <br />. Ms. Kern asked if they were putting the cart before the horse because they did not even know <br /> what the funding from the State was going to be. Mr. Brown stated the City had applied for the <br /> $266,000 for a sidewalk on the north side and depending on what happened tonight with the <br /> Council, they could amend their request. He stated they were asking for the full amount and the <br /> State might pay for everything, except for possibly five or ten percent of the total for engineering <br /> costs. <br /> Ms. Kern she understood the concern about the house on Pascal, but this driveway had a 40-foot <br /> parallel driveway, which would allow them to be off of tbe street. <br /> Troy Fields, 1404 County Road E, stated he had the only children that lived on the south side <br /> of County Road E and he would prefer the sidewalk be located on the north side of the street. He <br /> noted there were more children located on the north side of the street and he did not want to see <br /> all of those children cross County Road E to get to the sidewalk on the south side of the road. He <br /> stated he did not see any more children moving in on the south side of the road. He noted <br /> County Road E was a big detriment and parents would not want to raise children on this road. <br /> He indicated they needed to look forward and attract families with children and not make it so <br /> families would not move in this area because of safety issues. He stated the trail from Lake <br /> Johanna could only be put in on the north side of the road and so the only choice here was the <br /> north side of the road because this was the only place were it made sense for safety reasons, no <br /> matter what the cost. <br />. Keith Gilbert, 1466 Skiles Lane, stated he did not believe either side of the road was safer than <br /> the other side. He noted in order to get to the other side of County Road E, a pedestrian would <br />
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