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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION <br /> Deeember 20, 2004 6 <br /> e City Couneil direeted City Staff to eontinue negotiating with the potential developer. <br /> Council Chamber-Sound Enhancements <br /> Murtuza Siddiqui, Finance Direetor, reported that the upgraded sound system in the Couneil <br /> Chamber has worked very well and has improved the sound quality. It has been noted that when <br /> the tables are arranged in the middle of the Couneil Chamber for work sessions and other <br /> meetings, the existing sound system is not eapable of transmitting sound through the audio <br /> system beeause there are no mierophones set-up on the table. It ean be very diffieult for people <br /> to hear the dialogue between City Couneilmembers and staff from the baek of the room. <br /> City staff presented the City Couneil with the following two options to eonsider: <br /> . Utilize existing eordless mierophones and a wireless lapel mierophone. <br /> . Purehase boundary mierophones that would be plaeed in the eenter of the room and <br /> would have the eapability to piek up sound from all sides of the mierophone. The <br /> estimated eost for four boundary mierophones is $1,600 (ine1uding eost and labor). <br /> Couneilmember Holden suggested that the tables and ehairs be set-up in a U shape. This would <br /> allow members ofthe City Couneil and staffto faee the audienee. <br /> e City Administrator Wolfe mentioned that City staff eould ereate an L or U shape when setting up <br /> the tables and ehairs for work session meetings. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski stated that she would prefer not to pass around a eordless mierophone. <br /> Couneilmember Grant said that the City is very limited on the number of items that it ean <br /> purehase using the Cable Fund. The City eould purchase the boundary mierophones using this <br /> fund. Overall, this is a very small dollar amount. <br /> Couneilmember Grant asked staff members if they have eheeked into purehasing a wireless <br /> boundary mierophone? <br /> Finanee Direetor Murtuza Siddiqui said that the City has not explored this option, but he eould <br /> eontaet the vendor and see if this option is available to the City. <br /> Members of the City Couneil requested that the Finanee Direetor eheek into the possibility of <br /> purehasing a wireless houndary mierophone. City staff will report baek to the City Couneil with <br /> the different wireless mierophone options that are available. <br /> 2004 City of Arden Hills Election Discussion <br /> Assistant to the City Administrator Sehawn Johnson provided a brief overview of the parking <br /> " eoneerns at City Hall and Presbyterian Homes on Eleetion Day. City staff believes that the <br /> parking issues at Presbyterian Homes ean be minimized in the future. In order to minimize the <br /> traffie problems at City Hall, members of the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department and O&M <br /> Department were ealled-in to direet traffie on Highway 96 and the City Hall parking lot. City <br />