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the water level would go above Amble Drive. Since 1980, there has been 30 <br />feet of water pumped out of Karth Lake. In other words, this is not strictly a <br />problem of the people who live on the lake, it is the entire watershed. This <br />really needs to be shared with the City Council. <br />4.2.3. Action: The report includes multiple pumping strategies and a small group <br />has been assigned the task of reviewing the strategies with David <br />Swearington to come up with a recommendation to present to City Council. <br />The members of the Small Group are Joel Gerich and Kent Stennes. <br />4.3. Summary of Weed Removal project. Susan Johnson <br />4.3.1. Background: Lake weed removal was done this summer. This is an <br />annual activity to help reduce the weed level in the lake. It is voluntary for <br />homeowners to sign up for this service. <br />4.3.2. Discussion: Susan presented the results of the project. The lowest number <br />of residents participated this year, There were only 18 households. The cost <br />was almost $3000 more than the previous year ($9825 for 131 hours of <br />labor). She was able to get the bill reduced but contributions were not <br />enough and the extra funds came from the Arden Hills Foundation money <br />that was available. If we do this project next year, there needs to be a <br />minimum contribution for each household that participates. The final stats <br />were 2.34 hours/bag at $175/bag. There was a total of 56 bags collected. <br />4.4. Bylaws review and possible modification. Susan Johnson <br />4.4.1. Background: A preliminary review of the bylaws causes there to be <br />questions regarding who is a member of KLID, how elections should be run <br />going forward, and who can vote <br />4.4.2. Discussion: Composition of the board is unclear as well as terms of office, <br />Susan wrote a draft update to the bylaws and would need to send to the city <br />attorney for review and then approved by the city council. The proposed <br />bylaws indicate that there should be 1 ballot per parcel in the Karth Lake <br />district and only 1 person per parcel to serve on the board. The city will mail <br />out ballots to each property at least 2 weeks before the 2nd Tuesday in April <br />which is the annual date for the election meeting. An observation that Susan <br />made was that the City Council could just appoint members and not have an <br />election. The Board approved a motion to go over the changes with the City <br />Attorney. <br />4.5. Possibility of initiating a new study to identify status and refresh list of <br />BMPs for future management of Karth Lake. Joel Gerich and David <br />Swearingen (change title to reflect work that will be part of PMP for 2026) <br />4.5.1. Background: The most recent Karth Lake study and BMP identification <br />was performed by the Rice Creek Watershed District in 2009. The board <br />would like to identify a plan for a follow-up assessment of Karth Lake's <br />current health and opportunities for improvement (BMPs). In April 2023, <br />David Swearingen had described possible grant opportunities that the City of <br />Arden Hills could pursue. <br />