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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — DECEMBER 9, 2024 2 <br />Planning Commission-Councilmember Elect Weber <br />Communications-Councilmember Holden and Councilmember Rousseau <br />Personnel -Mayor Grant, Councilmember Monson and Councilmember Rousseau <br />Joint Development Authority (JDA)-Councilmember Monson and Councilmember Elect Weber <br />Lake Johanna Fire Department-Councilmember Holden and Councilmember Monson <br />Councilmember Monson said she doesn't feel strongly about continuing but there is a lot <br />happening on the Relief Association side. If the liaison changes, she is happy to help with the <br />transition. <br />Northeast Youth and Family Services FS)-Councilmember Rousseau <br />Ramsey County League-Councilmember Monson <br />Councilmember Monson said she is primarily active through the Climate Action Working <br />Group. There is a Board of Directors and other events she has not participated in. <br />Twin Cities Gateway -Mayor Grant and Councilmember Rousseau <br />Nine North-Councilmember Elect Weber <br />Beyond the Yellow Ribbon -Military Liaison-Councilmember Monson <br />Councilmember Monson has questions around Beyond the Yellow Ribbon and the Military <br />Liaison role. <br />Mayor Grant asked if Councilmember Monson has a Military background. <br />Councilmember Monson said she has not been in the Military. She is not sure what Eileen Scott <br />has been doing with Beyond the Yellow Ribbon. She remembers seeing one update in two years. <br />She doesn't fully understand the role and she thinks the Military Liaison role needs to have a <br />more formalized communication pathway with a direct Councilmember that would then <br />communicate any applicable information to the full Council. <br />Councilmember Holden is on the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon and she said we do what Ramsey <br />County tells us to do. Ramsey County is the main Beyond the Yellow Ribbon group. <br />Councilmember Rousseau asked what the governance structure is of that group. She wondered <br />if there is any risk to the City appointing someone. She asked if they are involved with the RAB <br />meetings, as well. <br />Councilmember Holden said they have nothing to do with the City, at all. They serve this area. <br />When the Vets come home, they will have a dinner from them. It's all run by the Ramsey County <br />one. They will ask the North Suburban chapter what they need and then they will provide that. <br />She said Ribfest is a Beyond the Yellow Ribbon event, but this chapter has nothing to do with <br />Ribfest. <br />Councilmember Monson said she doesn't understand why the City would need to identify <br />someone with Beyond the Yellow Ribbon. If we want to keep it, she would prefer it be a formal <br />Military Liaison. She would like to separate the Military Liaison from the Beyond the Yellow <br />Ribbon piece. <br />