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CC 01-10-2000
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City Council Minutes
CC 01-10-2000
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 10,2000 <br /> <br />15 <br /> <br />determining whether the project was feasible and how it could be funded. He indicated that there <br />have been a number of projects throughout the City that had been modified prior to approval by <br />the City Council. If the Council chooses to move forward with reconstruction of the Ingerson <br />neighborhood, he anticipated that there will be a number of changes to what was presented in the <br />feasibility report. <br /> <br />Mr. Tom Lynch stated that the nonprofit organization, The Little Brothers, owned the largest <br />piece of property in the Ingerson neighborhood and would be assessed over $25,000. He asked <br />that the Executive Director, Ms. Therese King, address this issue. <br /> <br />Ms. Therese King, Executive Director representing the nonprofit organization, Little Brothers of <br />the Elderly, owned substantial property that would be assessed. Ms. King briefly reviewed the <br />mission of her organization that provides services to isolated and lonely elderly persons since <br />1972. She was concerned this evening about the property known as the Bradford property. She <br />indicated that John Bradford donated a beautiful piece of land with a lovely house and library to <br />The Little Brothers many years ago. The organization has used this property for many events <br />which provide a get-away vacation for the elderly who are stuck in the inner-city. Birthday <br />parties and other special events are also held at this property and the property allows the elderly <br />to experience country life. She felt that the City of Arden Hills has the best of both worlds being <br />a beautiful rural area in close proximity to the Twin Cities. She did not understand why this rural <br />character would have to change and become more city like. She stated that this was not why <br />John Bradford donated the property or why the residents live in this neighborhood. Ms. King <br />stated that, ifthe City Council pursues this reconstruction proposal, they would be changing a <br />way of life. With regard to the proposed assessment, Ms. King stated that there would be no way <br />The Little Brothers could afford to pay $25,000. <br /> <br />Mr. Tom Lynch addressed concerns regarding the former jurisdiction by Ramsey County prior to <br />1996 of Hamline Avenue and Ingerson Avenue; and their state of construction at the time of the <br />turnback and their current condition. <br /> <br />Mr. Willheim Reinhold, 1233 Ingerson Avenue, spoke regarding drainage issues. <br /> <br />Ms. Swanson concluded the presentation by residents with several comments. Ms. Swanson <br />noted that residents recognize that at times roadways need to undergo improvements. However, <br />what the City was currently proposing will be detrimental to the neighborhood cnvironmentally, <br />aesthetically and financially and will be irreversible. <br /> <br />The residents request tllat this project, as well as all other roadway projects in Arden Hills be <br />postponed. This will allow the City Council, the City Engineer, the Public Works Director and <br />residents to meet and work together to come up with recommendations that will be beneficial to <br />the City as a whole as well as to the residents. This will allow for open dialog and education for <br />all individuals involved. The delay will allow the City Council to review alternative methods to <br />meet City objectives and will allow the Council to invcstigate whether a drainage problem exists <br />in the neighborhood and to what extent. Such a study would give insight as to what should or <br />should not be done to rectify the problem, if a problem exists. All these requests will allow a <br />smooth transition to the implementation of all future projects. <br />
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