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CC 01-10-2000
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City Council Minutes
CC 01-10-2000
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 10,2000 <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />With regard to the upcoming rctreat, Mayor Probst stated that the change in time proposed by <br />staff was the result of a scheduling connict on his part. He indicated that he would not be <br />available to attend the retreat until approximately 4:00 p.m. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst noted that there had been a letter from staff sent to Mr. Scholl regarding the trail <br />easemcnt. He assumed that no response had been received from Mr. Scholl. Mr. Lynch stated <br />that this was correct. He explained that Mr. Scholl had responded to the original correspondence <br />by indicating that he did not want to meet with the City and restating his desire to be <br />compensated in the amount he had previously stated. The recent letter sent to Mr. Scholl was <br />simply rcstating the case for the record. Mayor Probst suggested that the City Council discuss <br />this issue at the next Council worksession in order to decide how to proceed. He indicated that <br />the City of Arden Hills has been dealing with this issue for over one year and it needs to be <br />brought to closure. He felt that the situation may require condemnation and he believed that Mr. <br />Scholl was aware of this fact. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated that he received an invitation from the Mayor of Rochester to attend an <br />event hosted by Reverend Jesse Jackson being held on Martin Luther King Day. Mayor Probst <br />indicated that he would not be available to attend this event and invited any interested <br />Councilmember to attend in his place. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated that last March he had participated in a Saturday event that looked at <br />restructuring transit in sectors one and two of metropolitan area. Metro Transit has completed a <br />report on this activity and has a proposal that will be presented on Tuesday, January 18,2000 <br />trom 8:00 a.m. until 11 :00 a.m. If a representative of Arden Hills is not available for this <br />presentation, Metro Transit has offered to present the report to the City Council. He indicated <br />that if the City Council was interested in this presentation, it could be added to the January 18, <br />2000 Council worksession. <br /> <br />Councilmember Aplikowski stated that she would not be available to attend the presentation. <br />However, she would be interested in a presentation on the proposal. Councilmembers Grant and <br />Larson concurred. Mayor Probst asked Mr. Lynch to contact the Metro Transit and request that a <br />prcscntation be held for the City Council at the Worksession. <br /> <br />COlillcilmember Aplikowski asked if the Metro Transit report included information other than <br />light rail. Mayor Probst stated that the report did not involve light rail. Rather, the report deals <br />with bus service. He indicated that the Metro Transit was moving in the direction of a grid <br />system and has plans to improve the bus service in the northern metropolitan area. <br /> <br />With regard to the retreat schedule, Councilmember Larson stated that he was available Friday <br />evening and Saturday. He felt it important that the Mayor attend the entire retreat and was open <br />to readjusting the schedule to begin Friday night when the Mayor is available. Mayor Probst and <br />Councilmembers Aplikowski and Grant stated that they would be available to begin the retreat <br />Friday night. Councilmember Rem stated that she did have other plans for Friday night, <br />however, she may be able to cancel them and attend the retreat. Mr. Lynch stated that he would <br />have to confirm room availability for Friday night. Mayor Probst suggested that the retreat begin <br />at 4:00 p.m. Councilmember Larson agreed and suggested that dinner be brought in to the <br />meeting. <br />
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