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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION - .JANUARY 18,2000 5 <br /> . with potential designs for build out of the lower level, and offices housed all on one level, <br /> in addition to more detailed use ofthe community room in the lower level. <br /> Mr. Lynch also stated that he and staff had met with representatives of Welsh <br /> Development Corporation, and that it was determined that no special meetings of the <br /> spccial meetings of Planning Commission and City Council would be required. Mr. <br /> Lynch advised that due to several potential lessees in one of the Gateway Business <br /> Development (GBD) buildings, Amendments to the Special Use Permit (SUP) would be <br /> required, and staff was continuing to work Witll the applicant on the planning <br /> requirements. <br /> COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> Mayor Probst requested that the architects be placed on the January 31 sl regular Council <br /> Agenda prior to any planning cases. <br /> Councilmember Larson announced that, in conjunction with a recently held Fire <br /> Department Relief Association meeting, the Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire Department <br /> had elected a new Fire Chief, Mr. Dave Schrier. Don Szurek had previously served as <br /> Chief, and had planned to lcave otlice in the spring of 2000. <br /> Councilmember Larson advised Mayor Probst and Councilmembers that the Bethel Park <br /> . Planning Case was slated for action by the City Council at the January 31 sl regular <br /> Council meeting. Councilmember Larson reported on four areas for Council review and <br /> consideration: <br /> I) Adequacy of screening between Bethel and homes immediately adjacent - by <br /> tennis courts; and the natural barrier provided by the wetland; <br /> 2) Parking lot lighting and determining the best height and number of units <br /> required and their safety and aesthetic impacts; <br /> 3) Restroom facilities being permanent or satellite, and screening requirements; <br /> 4) Traffic movements at the intersection with Old Snelling - necessity of a turn <br /> lane and safety issues related to other activities in the area. <br /> Councilmember Grant sought clarification of the availability of Ramsey County matching <br /> grant funds for existing soccer fields. Mr. Moore responded, and reviewed project <br /> requirements for funding qualifications, and advised Mayor Probst and Councilmembers <br /> that he was serving on the Committee overseeing grant awards. <br /> Councilmember Grant adviscd Mayor Probst and Council members that he had requested <br /> additional maps and information from staff on the Bethel roadway, and staff would <br /> include it in the weekly mail packet. <br /> Additional discussion took place regarding a recent meeting held between staff and Dan <br /> Solar of Ramsey County rcgarding various safety concerns along Old Snelling Avenue. <br /> . <br />