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CC 01-31-2000
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City Council Minutes
CC 01-31-2000
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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - JANUARY 31,2000 <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />MOTION: <br /> <br />Councilmember ApIikowski moved and Councilmember Grant seconded a motion <br />to direct staffto establish a Task Force of no more than 15 members including <br />representatives of the neighborhood, City staff and Council. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst clarified that the motion was for a Task Force to be put in place to look into the <br />development of a reconstruction project of the Ingerson neighborhood. Councilmember <br />Aplikowski agreed that the intent of the Task Force would be to discuss options or alternative <br />designs for the neighborhood, She was willing to amend her motion if other Councilmembers <br />felt that there should be more than IS members on the Task Force, However, she felt that more <br />than 15 members would be ineffective, <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant stated that involvement from the community was importanL He felt that <br />the Task Force should consider the process for future proj ects as well. Council member <br />Aplikowski stated that she was troubled with charging the Task Force with this responsibility, <br />She suggested that once the Task Force has accomplished its goal for the Ingerson neighborhood, <br />the City should then reconsider tile entire process, <br /> <br />Mayor Probst opened the meeting up to public comments, <br /> <br />Mr. Jim Cox, 1287 Ingerson Road, was opposed to the project because of the amount of money <br />being proposed for road reconstruction, He believes that when Ramsey County turned Ingerson <br />A venue back to Arden Hills the road was to be usable for 10 to 12 more years, He felt that the <br />. $2 million proposed to be spent on the Ingerson neighborhood could be better spent elsewhere, <br /> <br />Ms, Linda Swanson, 1124 Ingerson Road, presented a letter on behalf of the neighborhood core <br />group for consideration, reiterating the comments and concerns discussed by the residents at the <br />January 10, 2000 Public Hearing. The residents request that a motion be made and passed that <br />the Council postpone the Ingerson neighborhood roadway project and form a Task Force <br />comprised of residents, City staff and a Councilmember, to evaluate the Ingerson neighborhood <br />project and all related issues. <br /> <br />Ms, Swanson noted that she had attended the last Council worksession and it had been discussed <br />whether one Councilmember should be appointed to the Task Force, or if the Councilmember <br />appointment should be rotated, She felt that a rotating appointment of Councilmembers will <br />affect the continuity and consistency of the Task Force and asked that, if a Task Force is formed, <br />only one Councilmember be appointed, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr, Eric Lucht, 1315 Ingerson Road, asked how the Task Force will be managed and if the <br />decisions of the Task Force will be binding, Mayor Probst stated that the City Council will <br />consider the recommendations of the Task Force and will make the final decisions. Mr. Lucht <br />asked if the decision made this evening regarding who will be appointed to the Task Force would <br />be final. Mayor Probst stated that the Council will not be appointing the Task Force this <br />evening, The intent was for those who are interested to express their interest to the City staff. <br />He noted that the motion on the table was for no more than 15 members and if more than this <br />number were interested in being appointed to the Task Force, decisions will need to be made on <br />whom to appoinL <br />
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