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CC 02-14-2000
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City Council Minutes
CC 02-14-2000
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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 14, 2000 <br /> <br />14 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst noted that many requests have been made to slow the traffic down in this area and <br />he believed that reducing the four lane traffic down to two lanes would have this affect. <br />Additionally, the addition of an island, similar to Tony Schmidt Park, would serve to further <br />slow down the traffic. Mr. Paulu stated that, from a traffic engineer's point of view, this would <br />not be an appropriate area for traffic calming. <br /> <br />Councihnember Aplikowski stated that she was opposed to the idea of a median islmd since she <br />felt that it was uffilecessary. Additionally, my thing less thm two laJles in each direction on Old <br />Snelling Avenue will cause traflic back-up problems. She would prefer two lanes in both <br />directions with turn lanes when necessary. With regard to the pedestrim crossing at the Bethel <br />College entrance, she felt that the college students should be responsible enough to deal with the <br />cunent layout. Councilmember Grant asked Councilmember Aplikowski if she felt that the <br />roadway and intersection should be left as is. Councilmember Aplikowski stated that this may <br />be what she was suggesting. She indicated that she drives this road everyday md there was more <br />through traffic than traffic turning into Bethel College. <br /> <br />Councihnember Larson stated that he liked the idea of a mediaJl island. He remained concerned <br />that \vith the number of turns at the intersection, and the amount of pedestrim traffic, an accident <br />will occur. An island would allow apedestrim to stop in the middle of the street if necessary. <br />He was also concerned that there be enough shoulder area to allow for pedestrian and bicycle <br />traffic. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grmt stated that reducing Old Snelling Avenue to one lane prior to McCracken <br />Lme would preoccupy drivers at the McCracken intersection. Additionally, the proposed layout <br />did not include a dedicated left turn lane onto McCracken Lane for northbound traffic. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated that the CUlTent traffic counts did not support a four Ime roadway. He <br />suggested that the road could be three lanes with the middle lme being a dedicated turn lane. He <br />felt that this would be a safer condition than the current layout of the road. Mr. Brown statcd that <br />Mr. Solar had agreed that a three lane roadway would be safer. However, Ramsey County would <br />not wmt to restripe the road without seal coating. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant requested confirmation that Ramsey County would be restriping part of <br />the roadway, however, they do not wish to restripe the entire length. Mr. Brown stated that this <br />was correct. <br /> <br />Councilmember Rem stated that a median island should be considered for pedestrian safety. <br />Councilmember Aplikowski disagreed. She felt that center islands historically cause more <br />accidents. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Ms. Randall noted that the reason the entire roadway was not being restriped was Bethel College <br />would be responsible for the restriping. Mr. Bruce Kunkel, Vice President for Campus Services, <br />Bethel College, stated that an agreement was made for Bethel College to pay to have to current <br />striping removed and Ramsey County would perform the restriping. He indicated that Bethel <br />College was concerned with the safety of the roadway md there were many opinions regarding <br />
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