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CC 02-14-2000
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City Council Minutes
CC 02-14-2000
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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 14, 2000 <br /> <br />16 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />residential property with children. He did not agree with the reasoning that just because other <br />City parks use temporary restrooms, this park should do the same. <br /> <br />Mr. Jeff Hohenshell, 1632 Chatham Avenue, stated that since the proposed complex will have <br />space for 250 spectators, he too was concerned about the temporary restroom facilities. He noted <br />that the Plarming Commission had recommended permment restroom facilities aJ1d he urged the <br />City Council to consider this recommendation for aesthetic, health, md safety reasons. <br /> <br />Mr. Michael Coopet, 1636 Chatham Avenue, stated that he visited the Bethel College site last <br />weekend with Councilmember Grant. He noted that he will have a direct view across the <br />proposed ball fields. It was his understmding that the existing buffer from the roadway will be <br />removed which will result in light and noise pollution. He suggested that the entire west edge of <br />the wetland area bc lined with large pine trees in order to protect the residences from noise and <br />lights. He also supported the idea of permment restroom facilities. <br /> <br />With regard to traffic issues, Mr. Coopet stated that he was confused about what the ultimate <br />results will be. He agreed with Councilmember Aplikowski that two lanes each way should be <br />provided. He drives this roadway every day and felt that reducing the lanes of traffic will be <br />problematic. Although slowing traffic down may be necessary, there must also be a flow of <br />traffic. He felt that Bethel College and the City should take a step back md review the situation. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Coopet asked why the City Council has not asked the residents to present the City with a <br />mitigation plan. He stated that Bethel College was trying to cram too much into a small area. He <br />felt that Bethel College should be compelled to come forth with an alternative plan that the City <br />could seriously consider and decide which plan would be the best for all involved. At the <br />beginning of this project, Bethel College invited the residents to comment on the plms. <br />However, no substmtive changes have been made. <br /> <br />Mr. Coopet stated that there were maJ1Y issues md problems that must be solved with regard to <br />the intersection as well as the design of the plan aJld how it will affect the residents. He asked <br />that the City Council seriously consider tabling or rejecting the proposal until a serious <br />independent traffic engineering study is completed. <br /> <br />Mr. Pomeroy noted that the athletic complex had first been developed when the project was to be <br />a joint effort with the City of Arden Hills and the current plaJ1 was based on the early concepts. <br />He indicated that one major change to the plan was to move thc tennis courts faJ1her from the <br />City property. Additionally, infiltration aJ1d mitigation ofthe wetlands was added and safety <br />issucs have been addressed. He indicated that Bethel College would be willing to develop <br />additional landscaping along the fence as suggested by Councilmember Larson. <br /> <br />Mr. Coopet suggested that a citizen group be formed to help make final decisions. He felt that <br />issues brought up by the residents had not been taken into consideration by Bethel College. <br />Mayor Probst noted that the proposal had been through the Parks md Recreation Committee as <br />well as the Plaffiling Commission. He believed that the proposal has had a thorough review. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Corbin Kristufek, I 640 Chatham Avenue, stated that when this project was proposed as a <br />joint effort with the City, Mr. Fritsinger had informed him that it was too early for the residents <br />
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