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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - APRIL 10,2000 <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated that he is personally opposed to gambling and would not support it. He <br />added, from his perspective, that it is palatable only because a portion is being returned to the <br />commUl1ity. He expressed concern that the church does not have a history of funding or specific <br />programs which it intends to fund, adding he is not prepared to support a recommendation to <br />approve the request. He urged the Council to lay the issue over until the intent of the ordinance <br />could be clarified. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant stated he finds it difficult to move forward without clarification of the <br />ordinance with regard to 50% expenditure of net profits on lawful purposes. He added this <br />definition seems ambiguous. <br /> <br />Councilmember Aplikowski stated this is a lawful purpose and not ambiguous, adding it is an <br />unusual case. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson stated he would wish to table the issue until the COUl1cil could consider <br />the intent of the ordinance. He noted the Council would set a precedent, adding he is not <br />prepared to support the applicant's request. <br /> <br />Councilmember Aplikowski asked how the City monitors expenditure of funds by such groups <br />within the trade area. Mr. Post stated the organizations provide the City with spending reports <br />throughout a 24-month time period, which are reviewed. He added if they have not been diligent <br />about compliance, their renewal request will carry a staff denial recommendation. <br /> <br />Councilmember Aplikowski stated that while she does not have a problem with bingo, she would <br />not support rewriting an ordinance to block a request. She added she would wish that the <br />Council could review the issue at its upcoming Worksession. <br /> <br />COUl1cilmember Rem stated that since the permit is for a 24-month period, the permit or license <br />is not given indefinitely. She added the applicant seems to fit state code and City ordinance <br />requirements. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst stated he does not object to the applicant, adding he does not believe the ordinance <br />was intended for such a purpose. He added he does not view the discussion in terms of <br />clarification of an ordinance, but rather a difference of opinion over what the ordinance is saying. <br /> <br />Mr. Belgea stated the ordinance has been revised over the past 12 years. He added the Council <br />could approve the request and then revise the ordinance and ensure the applicant's compliance <br />with the changes. He noted that other organizations within the trade area might decide they want <br />to fund programs from gambling, and the City would then require them to give half the funds <br />away. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson reiterated that he would still oppose taking action until a discussion <br />could be had with regard to the ordinance. He questioned whether the COUl1cil would wish to use <br />its discretionary power to allow gambling to occur for a narrower purpose than what has been <br />allowed in the past. He stated he would not wish to approve the request and then change the <br />ordinance. <br />