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<br />Mr. Brown presented the street structure considerations as being the quality of pavement and
<br />length of service life, Options included complete reconstruction, mill and overlay, cold in-place
<br />recycling, seal coating, or to do nothing. Staff feels it is best to remove the entire roadway and
<br />reconstruct in streets that need it. Streets such as Femwood Court, with 1999 PCI of 86, should
<br />have the minimal amount of work done on them, The Task Force somewhat agrees with the
<br />Staffs recommendation, They agree that each street should be given necessary treatments.
<br />
<br />Mr. Brown stated that the Task Force had discussed the notion that some streets are better than
<br />others, He stated that City Staff fclt that it would be wise to at least install new drainage systems
<br />on all the streets,
<br />
<br />Linda Swanson disagreed with the summation ofthe Task Force's recommendation on this issue.
<br />She stated that it had been the consensus of the Task Force that the City should not make the
<br />automatic decision to completely reconstruct every street. She stated that each street needed to
<br />be looked at in terms of usage, current conditions and the estimated life times, Mr. Brown
<br />concurred,
<br />
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<br />
<br />Mr. Brown presented the concrete curb and gutter considerations as being service life and
<br />maintenance, Options included a flat face concrete curb and gutter (which is the most efficient
<br />for storm drainage), surmountable style curb and gutter, bituminous curb and gutter, concrete
<br />edge strip, no curb and gutter, or driveway entrance, Staff recommends the flat face concrete
<br />curb and gutter six-inches high, It was noted that in rain garden or rural sections, a concrete edge
<br />strip should be used. The Task Force differs greatly on this issue, The recommendation was for
<br />no curb, If curb is used at all, use surmountable style curb and gutter (four inches or five inches
<br />high) or concrete edge strip,
<br />
<br />Mr. Brown presented the street width considerations as being City standard of 32 feet (current),
<br />different widths for different streets based on function, vehicle speed, on-street parking,
<br />pedestrian/bicycle safety, or to leave the widths the same as currently exists, StatTrecommends
<br />the following: Hamline and Ingerson: 30 feet face to face, Carlton, Cannon, and Fernwood: 28
<br />feet face to face. Ingerson Court and Fernwood Court: 24 feet face to face, Use either aprons or
<br />surmountable concrete valley gutters to delineate the two minor cul,de,sacs from Ingerson Road,
<br />Staff also recommends the Council consider sll'iping a five-foot shoulder on Ingerson and
<br />Hamline to provide for bicycles and pedestrians, Although, this was not the look that the
<br />residents want for their neighborhood. In addition, staff recommends consideration of a stop sign
<br />at Fernwood and Ingerson for speed controls, a stop sign at Dunlap and Ingerson for speed
<br />controls, The Task Force recommends no widening of streets, maintain existing street widths, It
<br />was noted that Ingerson Road is a State Aid street and the question was raised of what
<br />significance this has in determining street widths,
<br />
<br />Mr. Brown stated that in order to reconstruct a street to State Aid standards, the minimum width
<br />would be 28 feet face to face.
<br />
<br />Mayor Probst noted that the importance of using MSA funding was that it lets the City buy down
<br />. the cost of the project.
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