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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - DECEMBER 11,2000 11 <br /> . Mr. S !afford stated the contractor has been unsuccessful in his attempts to contact anyone at <br /> these residences to schedule this work. He recommended the Council adopt the draft resolution <br /> which would authorize a surcharge and eventual shutoff for City water users using non-radio <br /> read meters. <br /> Mayor Probst noted the draft letter staffrecommends be sent to notify these residents. He <br /> suggested the letter being sent to the residents emphasize the water meters are owned by the City. <br /> Mr. Stafford indicated how the letter could be so revised. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Grant moved and Councilmember Aplikowski seconded a motion <br /> to approve Resolution #00-41, Authorizing a Surcharge and Eventual Shutoff for <br /> City Water Users Using Non-Radio Read Meters. <br /> Councilmember Rem asked if the letters would be sent via certified mail with return receipts. <br /> Mr. Staflord stated that is correct and the letters will be mailed before the first of the year. <br /> The motion carried wlanimously (5-0). <br /> D. Resolution #00-48, Resolution Revising Sanitary Sewer Utility Rates Effective <br /> January 1, 2001 <br /> . Mr. Post eXplained that at the Febmary 28, 2000 regular meeting, the Council adopted a <br /> resolution to revise the sanitary sewer utility rates effective January 1,2000. The impact of that <br /> action was to increase the senior rate flat charge and to decrease rates to other sanitary sewer <br /> customers. The increase in the senior rate resulted from an earlier staffrecommendation to phase <br /> in a seventeen percent increase over a three year period (1999-200 l) to accomplish the objective <br /> of having the senior sanitary sewer rate reflective of average senior water consumption relative to <br /> other residential customers. The first two years of that phase-in have been implemented and staff <br /> recommends the Council adopt the draft resolution revising the sanitary sewer utility rates <br /> effective January l, 2001. <br /> Mr. Post stated in light of the continued reduction in processing costs from the Metropolitan <br /> Council Environmental Services Division, the City is experiencing a double benefit of reduced <br /> processing and reduced flow which is reflected in a recommendation to further reduce the non- <br /> senior sanitary sewer rates. Thus, staff is also recommending a reduction in the residential and <br /> non-residential sanitary sewer rates. <br /> Councilmcmber Larson stated he has been an advocate of not making a distinction between <br /> regular and senior rates and believes the best way to assess sanitary sewer rates is based on water <br /> usage, taking into consideration if they are away during the winter months. He stated he hopes, <br /> at some time, the appropriate advisory committee takes another look at whether there is a method <br /> to base the sanitary sewer rates on water consumption rather than a combination of flat rate and <br /> . water consumption. <br />