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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - DECEMBER II, 2000 13 <br /> . I. City Events Discussion <br /> Councilmember Aplikowski provided an update on the events planned for the 50th Anniversary <br /> Celebration. She then reported on the Day in the Parks event and potential activities. She <br /> advised that the fireworks event is currently on hold pending a site investigation. <br /> Councilmember Aplikowski displayed two colored examples of the 50th Anniversary <br /> Celebration banners and requested Council input. <br /> Councilmember Aplikowski stated the Proclamation Day event that was scheduled for February <br /> 14th, has now been tentatively rescheduled to February 12th, a regular City Council meeting date. <br /> The event has been expanded to include the business community and will be held at the Holiday <br /> Inn. Staff has determined it will not cost much to do that as long as the Cable Company can <br /> provide service at that location. <br /> Mr. Post reviewed the budget for the 50th Anniversary Celebration and requested a motion to <br /> adopt this budget. <br /> Couneilmember Larson asked if corporate contributions is a firm amount. Mr. Post stated he has <br /> been involved with some of the fund raising activities and there are currently firm commitments <br /> for approximately $25,000 in contributions. <br /> . MOTION: Couneilmember Aplikowski moved and Couneilmember Grant seconded a motion <br /> to approve the 50th Anniversary Celebration Budget as presented in the bench <br /> handout. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> The Council discussed the banner sketches and their individual preferences. <br /> MOTION: Couneilmember Aplikowski moved and Couneilmember Larson seconded a <br /> motion to approve the lighter colored version of the 50th Anniversary banner. <br /> The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> With regard to the 50th Anniversary Celebration, Mr. Lynch advised that they would like to <br /> include the recognition of former City Councilmembers and Mayors. They would also like to tie <br /> in businesses as being part of the City's history. He explained it is suggested to have a <br /> presentation of the proclamation by tbe Council and then a short history of the businesses <br /> followed by socialization. <br /> Couneilmember Aplikowski stated she has no objection to those suggestions as long as the cost <br /> is covered from the budget. <br /> Mr. Lyncb noted tbat a confirmation has not yet been received on use ofthe hotel banquet <br /> . facilities. <br />