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<br /> .... <br /> . <br /> fv] i nui>es of Coune i I ~leet I ng Nov(~mber 12, 1973 <br /> Page six <br /> Dutch Elm & Oak Wilt Disaased Trees <br /> HerrIck reported that Dr. French has offered to make a second <br /> inspection of diseased trees In J<lnuary 1974, at which time he will <br /> advise of trees wh I <:h do not have to be removad, even though dis- <br /> eased. He explained thatlJY authorizing this January inspection, <br /> some dlsaBsed trees may be preservad. <br /> Herrick moved that the Village approve the hiring of Dr. French to <br /> re-Inspect the diseased trees in January, 1974; and that VI j I age <br /> residents be notified of this second Inspection. Motion was <br /> seconded by Crichton and carried unanimously. <br /> . Crichton suggested that Village determine cost of treating diseased <br /> trees, as prescribed, by Vi liege personnel or on Village basis by <br /> hired outside personnel. Mr. Buckley suggested that the Jaycees <br /> may be Interested In a project such as this. <br /> REPORT OF COUNC I UlAN STAN OLMEN - Pub I' c Works <br /> Olmen moved, seconded by Hollenhorst that Council approve $3.50 par <br /> hour for W. Karth for emergency plowing and sanding, effective <br /> until December 31, 1973. Motion carried unanimously. Olmen said <br /> the Public Works Department will try to find a Vi llage resident to <br /> work part-time on call. <br /> ....-. <br /> REPORT OF MAYOR HENRY J. CREPEAU, JR. - Genel'al Goverment, Pub lie <br /> Sa fei-y <br /> Clvi I Defense DI~or Appointment <br /> Crepeau reported that A. J. Schmaedeke has agreed to accept the <br /> appointment of Clvi: Defense Director, and will conduct a program <br /> in which the Vlllago wi II be able to share In avai jable funds <br /> for .Vlllage use. <br /> Herrick moved that ~he Counci! approve the appointment of A. J. <br /> Schmaedake as Civil Defense Director, daferring action on proposed <br /> Ci v j I Defense program panding additional in format I on re the plan. <br /> Motion was seconded by Olmen and carried. (Crichton abstaining). <br /> Street Li!:jhtin!:j Pol icy <br /> Crepeau repol'ted that the Public Safety Committea recommends a <br /> three I ight per yeal" polley for the Vi Ilage, referring requests <br /> for street lights to the Pol ice Department for recommendations to <br /> the Counc II. <br /> He reported that the Public Safety Committee recommends approval <br /> of the installation of the street lights at Valentine Crest Road <br /> and Valentine Avanue, and also recommends 1 I ghts be Installed at <br /> County Road D and Prior Avenue, and at New Brighton Road and <br /> Edgewater Avenue. <br /> !t was noted that Council had requested that criteria or "guide- <br /> Ii nes" be estab I I sh!ild for granting street I I gilt requests. The <br /> matter ~Jas re-referred to the Public Safety Committee for <br /> . "guidelInes". <br /> Camera Purchase <br /> CI'apeeu reported that the Public Safety Committee recommends the <br /> purchase of ~ camera and accessories for Investigative pollee work, <br /> at a cost of $860,36. Crepeau explained that the camera picks up <br /> finger prints, has ;J telescopic I Eons, etc., advising that a dark <br /> room i 5 not needed. <br /> Council action was deferred pending additional Information as to <br /> size, need, possibility of borrowing one, If need arIses etc. <br /> -6- <br /> - <br />