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<br />." <br /> <br />Mjn~+es of Reg~!ar Councl~ Meeting <br />Pags thr06 <br /> <br />February 12, ~973 <br /> <br />REPORT OF VillAGE ENG~NEER DON LUND <br /> <br />Sto~~ Dralnago Problem <br />Engineer Lund described the existing drelnage facilities In the area <br />of 3946 Gienvlew Aven~e, stating that the culverts extending across <br />Vll!entlne Park ere, no doubt, Pll'l9ged, causing the back.;,.up 01 water. <br />He recommended that a larger addit!onai cuJvert be Installed, and that <br />the present pipes ba cieaned, ro~ghBy estimating the cost at up to <br />$4,000.00. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />.He said, as an Interim pr>lcautlor,. the existing IS-inch culvert hes <br />been exposed to sOlow water to fHow onto the park property. <br /> <br />.Several aUerneto drainage routes were dlsclISSlld, and the Council re- <br />",quest!td Mr. Johansen to gst soma cost 05t I mates fOil" c I een I ng the ex /st- <br />ing eu! verts. . <br /> <br />~l""d WIIS I"squostad 'to re-survey !'e "~he poss I b I ! I ty of prov I d I"g <br />,open dra I l1ege atong 'i'll.a south or tlest sides 011 the perk lind/or an over- <br />1"10'11 structure. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUHC8i.MAN JOHN HOLLENHORST - Ph'I'lnlng and Zoning <br />Human Rlgh'ts <br />Cese No. 73-2(;j1!\'"._oualla long - aul fidlnQ....Perl!lt ~pnc8tlon <br />~r. 'II"'g....1', YarmlngCoRimlsslon lIIom\)er, repoi'"ted that the Planning <br />Camllllssl on r8co~llmend5CoullC i I don i l! ~ of tho bu I! d I n9 perm I t .for 8 <br />second garage on this .propert" 85 requ~stod. because the size of the <br />proposed garage o:,:c0eds tile mDl<imum permitted by Village Ordinance No. 93, <br />Yihlell emends the Unlhl1m Sui hlllng Codlll. <br /> <br />. After I"e\ll ell of 3 r"lloj>t 5lubll11 tted by Coda Enforcemant 01 f I cer Squ ires, <br />which advise~ tha~ the State Building Code shsijV supersede end take the <br />plecs of the bui6dlngcodIJ of any mllnlcipa.'llty, thel"eby voiding a good <br />part of Ordinance Ho. 93, the Council r;a-rofor-red the matter to the <br />Planning Commission. <br /> <br />Hu~en R1Qhts Commi$slon Moatin~ <br />Coul,cl Umllln Ho~ Uanholrsf'd..@w tho Councl ij'lt l\Ittclltlon to th& Minutes of <br />the H~m~n Rights Co~mlssion ~a&tlllg of February 7. n913, which had been <br />previousUy dlstrlbutod. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCVlMA~ STAM OLMEN - Pub91~ ~orks <br /> <br />MaIU~Qx Re~U~e&m~~ <br />Public Wor~s Superintan~o~Y 6~d Johansen r~ported on past and anticipated <br />futuro expcetetlolls IrO mo~Ubo~Qs rlsm~gl\ld bV p!oMlng. stating ~ha7 tem- <br />porar, r@p~lrs cost fram S6.DD to $10.00 .~ch <<majority o' ~h'ch Is <br />for ~am3 spantl. arnw per~ensnt rgp~ir~ ~ro~ $3,50 !sme~1 box) to $7.00 <br />(large box!; $2,00 ~o $4.00 (postsl an~ $15.00 to $20.00 (Iaborl. de- <br />pending on the sl~YoVlon. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />After discussion, Hail~nhar5t mov.d. seconded by D~rnen. that the VliPage <br />shel~ ~8k9 temporary ~nd perm~nGnt repBlrs or replacement of those bones <br />which ~er8 lega~ly lnstaUOed, that ~r8 physically hit by p!a~ blades, If <br />requested by the property owner. Matlon carried unBnlmousl" <br /> <br />C ~ ark Adm i III !:itnltor ~I!" r~lqU6s't0d ,/'0 chock Vi B n age Insurance coverage <br />r9"m~llbo~ d~maus bV ~~~w p!o~s. <br /> <br />WeteFMaln Br~~k~: <br />ITT"i1<a1" Lalli" ~I'l~, D"'Il~<l1l $'?n;l4:lt <br />Mr. ;rohiHl5ell--v-<!;pftlr~stf a lOa'l"erm"ill bv-Gal( Of' tl<llal\ /lit TI Q ier Lane <br />and D~nffs~ Str~~t. 5t~tl~g this !s t~9 third tirn~ this a~ea has <br />ieakad, prab.b~, b.c..s. af wot graun~ which C.~$8S tho pipe to <br />mOVG. He $;11)111 'J'llat this ~'h18 ttH:lY ~d iI II I <1ll'llob I a he t110 plpll; thlSreby <br />prov~~tl~g the ~~~~G of the troMbn8. <br /> <br />COtlialtv ROllHJ E <br />Mr. Ji,iiliiI'lS@rl 'lO\l!9fl<l'l!lt{jd thllt becaus<1l 0* tha depth of "he ma n n ac~oss <br />Cou~tv Ro~d E, 11 ..Y be b0tter to Jack ~ n~~ Ilns, ~ather t~~n <br />dig i~to thu rDnd ngal~. Hg .~Id he .a~ffd talk with Engineer Lwnd <br />and tbe Co~ntv Eng!ftS8r r. t~l$ and th~ pas$lblllty of the County <br />h.lp~ng th@ VIllage r. thIs p~ab~em. <br /> <br />" <br />-"'- <br />