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<br />/-\i ,ll' "h:f;S ot Coynel! M\9;ltinQ <br />Pag~ sIx ~ <br /> <br />JZlnlJIH'Y 29, 1973 <br /> <br />Aiter discussion, Crepoau, O~men. Hal IGnhorst and Henderson voted <br />In t&vor of th~ motion and Crichton abstained. <br /> <br />The Council requostod that the 5d~ertl5oment for bids be also placed <br />In thG Mlnn0sota Leaguo of Municipa!ltfos buQI~tln, It possible. <br /> <br />Mali Box Replacement <br />CQuncllman O!~on request~d that tho Council determine Vlllago polley <br />re the raplsco~ent af m~ii boxes ~hlcb ore damaged or dislodged by <br />SIlOl1p I o~ i ng. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />After discussion, the Council requested that Bud Johansen give a <br />vorbal rGport to t~e Counc'I re past experience and future expectations <br />as far as tlm6 and oupenso lovolv@d In th!~ mattor. <br /> <br />REPORT Of COUNCilMAN GRAY HENDERSON - Parks ~nd Rocreatlon <br /> <br />fu!,ms~y CRY ntCj' l.flClQ..tHl ltt'lot i '!.'1 <br />Councilman Hond0rs~~ raported t~at the R. C. 1... M. discussed tho <br />prQ!)osod Ram!:o'f CO~I!+Y Court SystOl\1 on JilllllHIi"y P, 1973, and adopted <br />a re$o!u'~lon to recommend to'rhs jeglsuatura '(/}tt ':f< !:w ~r. ,".cor(. ar, <br />being not in favor of the County Court System and opposed to tho maln- <br />tenanc~ of a Justice of the Peaco System In crimina! matters; Justice <br />of the Po~ce to be In e.HGt9nc~, but not to handie criminal matters, <br />traH I c r'lat~'er!O\, e'~c. <br /> <br />H~ said It U8$ n'Ot a unanimous decision; there were two villages, <br />Ardon Hllns and Fmico~ Heights, obj~cting, and a qualified objection <br />f rOI!! Shorov i Inl . <br /> <br />R I n~, AtT011dant <br />Handlu'son I~ovl!lld tllllt MaiY"1t Cameron, a 84 <br />a~ a rink ~ttGndont at $2.00 par hour. <br />and carried unanimously. <br /> <br />New Brighton Ro~d, be hired <br />MGtion was seoonded by Crichton <br /> <br />P~rks and Recreation ComrnlttGB Recommendaflon <br />Co;n-cfBll9Ioil'Cric't,to;l,"'r,sfH.HI lrl'ha iic~1!liToh< 0'1 the Parks and <br />R&crGet Ion COlllm Itteu, M I rad',"s ot Nov@mbor 21, 1972, that treo wrap <br />bo pUecod cro~nd ell tho ne~ treGs plan7ao In ~9f2 by tho Village, <br />9'1ar Cllfi'J(l to tll" CO'.!l'lci fl "for Ii's cOi1sldar<!'non. <br /> <br />Tile r,1att,,!" IIi'lS rsfor:r'0d ~.o Parks 0 I rector 8LlCl: I Cl)' and Pub 6 I c Works <br />Superintendent Johi'lnS6~ for ~ report. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR HENRY J. CREPEAU, JR. - General Government and <br />P!Jb~ Ie Safety <br /> <br />2!JI ce E.!!!Jl! oy.!!.2. <br />Mayor CropoulJ mdvl.ed that Mrs. NcNlesh and Mr. HClndarson have lnter- <br />wle~ad Mrs. Ve~da Haffl3r, ~~d recommend th~t she bo hired for bookkeep- <br />ing and accounting cierk. <br /> <br />He~dor.Dn moved that Mrs. Hum.r bB hir8d, for a 51~-month probationar, <br />period, ~t th~ rate of $2.60 per hour; s.cDndad by Ho16cnhorst. Mattan <br />carried UfienlmoysiV. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />QJUlcom M!.,0tle\'1 <br />M~,cr Crnp..y repDrted thet the Public Sa..ty Co~mltt0$ fe~ft. that <br />.l\rdlllll HI e Is doc!; IlOi ll~~Qj tl'ls Op";-lccrn 1"1"~!HJO!lrl!t9 dQ~ice!; at this time, <br />but r&CC;)lm'2,~ti$ li~l,",jhg ., r\1ljH"050it~,,-,t, \113 "'0 tbo $ch'llciltl 0 ed';'l<'lstl fig to <br />:&.asclJss~nd cCloif'di~Hrrs ~;-h@ @~,.t~com ~H.'.C'j:BC.1.;;. <br /> <br />D 0 ZG~11l wal rsq!Ht~;t.r.j to <'ld'J i "t) tt c Pa1' S!lidGl1 '\';.at ho is requested <br />to ~ttGft~ this p~rtlcular committee m~0ting. <br /> <br />Sa1~rv Sch.~Yge - 1913 <br />^;i:(c7""o;;ii!l\ToT.;f~I'I@d!nhl. Koju(lItloon;i' !novoa, locolllla,d by Henderson, <br />thot th. Ich.dula b. .pprav.d .s submitted. ~nd att~ched. <br /> <br />(M~yor Crepeau said 1~Bt the Public Narks soh.dulo ~ay change af.c? <br />Me~ti~lg ~;.~~ ld~~l 2Y~rl~.; <br /> <br />-6- <br />