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<br /> V I II ')ga Coulle II Minutes -3- Oct. 30 , 1972 <br /> thQ proposed Busserd addITion be considered. The time perIod for such <br /> consideration has axp!~sd. The Counc I I requested that a written request <br /> be submittad to tham asking for tho final p I at cons ide ret Ion'. <br /> Llc&!ls!.!l9, Or'dln1)niC9~ <br /> Atty. COl\!l"tney r-evlewed his letter roport,dated Oct. 30, 1972, regard- <br /> ing rQgulatory and licensing ordinances. H. also submitted ordinance <br /> dratts tor four proposud regul~tory ordinances ~nd 8sked thet they be <br /> studied along ~Ith the proposed ordinance 11stln9 license fees whl~h <br /> tr&S Introdueed by title on Octob~r 9, 1972~ <br /> After d I sellss Icn, l'IIo'tloll 11I8S mede by Henderson, seconded by Ho Ilenhorst, <br /> . that the following proposed ordinances be Introdueed by title: <br /> I. AN ORDINANCE REGULATiNG THE OPERATION OF TAXICABS IN ARDEN <br /> HILLS, PROVIOING--FUR LICENSING OF SUCH TAXICABS AND PENALTIES <br /> FOR V O!..AT!Q!i. <br /> 2. AN ORDiNANCE REGULATING AND LiCENSING THE HANDLING. STORING, <br /> it PREPARiNG ANtrOFfERING FOR SALE OF GROCERIES VEGETABLES, <br /> fRUITS. MilK ANDOAIRY PRODUCTS, BAKERY GOOD~, CANDY AND MEATS, <br /> WHETHER RETAIL OR WHOlESALE~ INCLUDING SALE THE~EOF BY ITINER- <br /> ANT VENDORS, AND PROViDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION. <br /> 3. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING CERTAIN COMMERCIAL AND RETAIL BUSINESS <br /> :ESTABL8SH",ENTS,.PROVIDING FOR LICENSING THEREOF AND IMPOSING <br /> PENALTiES. -. . .. .. <br /> 4. . AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND LICENSINGY.ARIOUS FORMS Of AMUSE- <br /> MEWrS ANDCOM~'ERCIAl RECR~A'tION, AND PROV,IDING PENALTIES FOR <br /> ViOLATION. . <br /> Motion carried unenlrno'SJ'. <br /> Cdpi..of the ordlnonc~~r~'t end Mr. Courtn~y~. letter to be sent to <br /> COelncl i ~ilmb~.!i. Mr. Courtney olkad for feodbeck on the metter. <br /> Thcr Ct;l.tlnc! I SCIHHillled ill SpDC i 01 Il',B0t ling for Wednesday, November 8, i 972, <br /> ot7:30p.m. 111 tho oHlco (li"(ll!l ov tho Vi Ihsgo Hall. Atty. Courtnoy <br /> W8$ esk*d ~o attend tho m~Gfing. ihe meeting will be for the purpose <br /> of studyIng th<D proposed c"l"dinences llnd to certify results of the <br /> VIUOlIgealnctlot'l of November " 1972. <br /> f!2posed Sign Ordinance Amendment <br /> IItty. COl!rtney revlewadh!!l letter report, dated October 27, 1972, <br /> regarding a proposed amondmant to Ordinance No. 76 end the Naegele matter <br /> end presented an ordlneoes droft. <br /> 1-To'doll \l'IlS medG by Holll'Hihorst, Sfjco"aed by Ilarrlck, that en ORDINANCE <br /> filif:llilING ORDINANCE_tl9. 76, JHE SIGN ()RDIN~~CE. BY CHANGiNG PROVISIONS <br /> REtATI NG TO NON-CONFORM l NG SIGNS AND AMEND ING THE liAR! ANCE PROCEDURE <br /> bG"' ! ntroduced byt I t 10., ~,lot'Tof1 ClHT i ~d Mi'l'51mo'usl v. <br /> . Th... CO.llllcll dl~''''cted tlroll r.ldmin!s'~G'llti1i;) offico to pr<apare e list of <br /> 11.11 non-conforming signl'l !Hld bi i Ibocrds cIJrn-,r,tiy located in the Village. <br /> Mot i O.flW!l$ m'!HIB ~y Ho I , t\l1l1c'-!it, $&cond0'l6 by Horl"ick, that the stay of <br /> GC~';O!l Oil ft... ;wn-(;ord::>,m!ng 5lgns ownod byi'hG Nlll'!ga9s Company be e:t- <br /> t.~d~d to DGC9~Qar I, u972; ~otlo~ carried ununimousl,. <br /> . REPORT OF VILLAGE ENG~HEER DONALD LUND <br /> Indian OGk~ Addltic~ <br /> - ~- <br /> Englrio~r Lund roported that the ~tro.t can.truction Gnd utility Insta!- <br /> ie~!an nGiS b~~n cornp!ut.d i~ oGcordenca with Vlil~9a rOQ~irements end <br /> he recommended Village accepTance. <br /> -3- <br /> - ----- <br /> .- -------....- <br />