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CC 09-25-1972
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City Council Minutes
CC 09-25-1972
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<br />j <br /> <br />VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br />PRO C LAM A T ION <br /> <br />WHEREAS: the purpose of Cleaner Air Week Is to promote a unIted <br />educe1"lonal program for cleaner air and to help build <br />a better, stronger Amerlce; and <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />WHEREAS: air pollutIon Is a serious community problem brought about <br />through IndustrIal expansion and IncreasIng population, <br />and since Industry and populatIons give every Indication <br />of continuIng to Increase at an Impressive rate; soot, <br />smoke, flyash and noxious fumes end gases promise to <br />become a ~reater hazard to the health and welfare of the <br />community; as well as a source of grave economic waste; <br />and <br /> <br />WHEREAS: In these days when the Nation's security Is threatened, <br />air pollution abatement assumes Incroaslng Importance In <br />Its prevention of wast. of materiels and energy, Its <br />cuttIng the cost of fuel, factory upkeep and maintenance, <br />and Its reduction of Illness and absenteeIsm; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS: the halerd of air pollution can be greatly diminished <br />through Intelligent action Inyolvlng engineering equip- <br />ment, research, education and personal conscience; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS: with some of the mechanical means already available <br />combined with the enlightened attitude of Industry, air <br />pollution control Is forging ahead, but these measures <br />must be contInued and further measures Instituted to wIn <br />the race against air pollution: and <br /> <br />WHEREAS: tobacco smok& is 8 major contributor to pollution of the <br />Indoor environment ceuslng greys discomfort to the non- <br />smoker Dnd rosultlng In a sIgnIficant hazard to the health <br />of both smoker end non-smoker alike: and <br /> <br />WHEREAS: for these rellsons thO) abatement of air pollution In all <br />Its \'!Srlous .forms Is of utmost concern to American citiZens; <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, I, Henry J. Crepeau, Jr., Meyor, do hereby prccleim <br />the week begl nn i"g October 15, 1912 <br /> <br />"CLEANER AIR WEEK" <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Be It hereby resolved that this Coune! I, In observance <br />of National Cleaner Air Week, wll! ben the smoking of <br />pIpes, cigars end clgerettes by ell persons visiting <br />these Coune! I Ch~mbers during the periOd of October 15 <br />to Cctober 21, 1972. And be it further resolved that <br />tbls Council requests that al I citizens coopera1"e fully <br />in the observance of this week end undertake a yeer- <br />round campaign to abate destructive air pollution fro~ <br />a II sources. <br /> <br />iN ~IIN~5~ WH~kEUf. I have hereunto set my hand this 25 day of <br />September In the year of our Lord, one thousand nine <br />hundred and seventy-two. <br /> <br /> <br />Jr., ~eyor <br />
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