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<br /><r <br /> <br />Vi i leg') GOlHlcl! Hlnutes <br /> <br />-6- <br /> <br />Sept. II, 1972 <br /> <br />H~P0RT Of lR~h~uRER RICHARD M. O'KELLY <br /> <br />TrSBBurer O'Kel!y reported current bank bnlunces as 'ollow.: <br /> <br />Nev Briahton 51"ato Bank <br />First N;t'l Benk. St. Paul <br />RD.~V! lIs State B~nk <br /> <br />- $ 5,089.14 <br />- $U,003.TI <br />$ 4,556.42 <br /> <br />He reported thlll1' CII,"rer,'i" cl1ocl'.s ~ 3'"l tt'ell far exceed the bel onces; <br />theretore, soma chsckB will b. b.~d until additional revenue Is <br />clapo$lt~d and s0c~rltle$ matyre within the naxt few days. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN E. GRAY HENDERSON - finance <br /> <br />!!-.udtlst Sh,QY <br /> <br />COMnclimun H~nderson rGrn!~dad the Co~ncl!, dopartment heads and <br />commh"hH. ~;hl!fn:ll~i1 of i'l1," Join... budg>?t stlJdv meeting on ThurSday, <br />5.pte~bsr 14, 6t B:DD p.m. at the V! !!Gge H~II. He urged that all <br />depBrtment. send rep~.5$~t~tlves. <br /> <br />REPORT or COUNCilMAN ST~NlEY OlMEN - Publ!c Work5 <br /> <br />!':'",~Ic t'!orkJL...~ll1!Heo N'.H~tin~ <br /> <br />Ca~ncllrnnn Oimsn r~PQrtod that the n8xt ~actlng of tho Public Works <br />Committee will he h~~d W~dne~day, Soptomb0r 13, et 1:3D p.m. at tho <br />PubHc ~kH'k5 bu! !dil1g. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCilMAN RONALD HERRICK - Porks end Recreation <br />Hl.IalltHI Rights <br /> <br />HijIDan Rlaht$ CDmmlsslon <br />--' . "..,..,.......--'-.-=--- <br /> <br />Councilman HerriCk notod the rnlfi~tBs of the Human Rights Commission <br />meeting of AugusT 28, ~nd "6port~d th~y a"a me~t!n9 again tonight, <br /> I I. He 3t~tBd he woald r.,ort further on the meetings at <br />the next Eeeting. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAVOR CREPEAU, JR. - Ganere' Government, Public Safety <br /> <br />1J! I a~. Stl)nlg'L~J) d i "iL:-1iJ:l,:t_j3rl g12t..E.!L..:.'3-~'Hj_ <br /> <br />Mayor Crapea~ reported a racom~9nd~t5on of the Pubiic Sefaty Commlttea <br />'n.' the Public Sa..ty Department take avar this building for use as <br />~ recreation or ~Gen c9nte~ as soon ~9 passlbio; tha canter to be <br />Mnder the 5upsrv~s~on and control of Lt. Pat Sexton. <br /> <br />Aftsr dlscus.Jeft, motlan W~g ..dB by Herrick, secand.d by Henderson, <br />i'hat '~hG (;1:I1.mcl n ;;;o;o<;;,n ~dth ,'he :nemo from 1"h~ P..,bll1: Soyety Commltte:1J, <br />D!itgd S~jp';>embl;)~. 80' (19"1~~J V'.~ga~-;rJln.9 thQ blJ[Yd~ng and that thIS Parks <br />e::r;'tl n:f.'i,ef~~H~-t.~O~~ De~~~f'''h:il8n'~' :rcm'-~'-$e -~he hock0;/ bOf:lrds ~nd eqlJl pment <br />fG"'cm','he bu~id~r;g ;f~N'h~d!~d't'];Y; mo....r~c,'l1 earr~9d ~JnanfS:"lousBy.. <br /> <br />~,~~,o,~ U.~S:.~~~~ ~s <br /> <br />. ~iaY(;:f' CrOpZ~tll pt"~J~H~rd-t;)d i:"; (i~'Jpos-~i: from the Pub ~ 1 e S~1aty Corn~1 ttee <br />1~5tJns 3st~matad ga~o~IDG f~eed2 for ~971 thru i9.14. The Information <br />wiJi be given to tho Publ~c Works Dopa~tment for their use in detsrmtn- <br />rh~' g'I'o~~\1\. ;,",,"'1 ..::~4.,r"'<q"~<'''''''\ '~'flrl' j!,. ;!: ~ ,.C\~~, <br />~,.~ ,I{,J';;>~,u, r'W ....1~~,~:;;:l'TJ j';.J .. ,J~_.........;... <br /> <br />t~211 (;0 , ~!.2:~ r-2~!l~,!!,!~~Y9.,!}1.!Lt~~,~ <br /> <br />The Pub~lc Sefuty Commltt.a rMporteJ thlt the VlllagB police force <br />curr3nt~y owns two squad cars ~nd ~e~ses ~n unmarked car~ Purch8se <br />pr''Ci(;'!Hit.Sf'O t~~ ij ~ b~~l.~.;h~.H'''''h~d Oc'~ober' ~, 5972... for' ~ nCiW squed car for <br />d~Divery ~bout ~h0 f~rst of 1tle ysar i9730 When the new car .!s <br />de~ ~v(';fiedt i~h$ O~(j;fjgt Gqt~~::;d cer <<8975 Wiodc~>> '1~ S i be avallfitdc for <br />thl';;) Fj!.lP & ~c l~ov'ks O~"'jS>:fiF'{mani" g O{ they t'1,~n1~ ~'t. l\ f'6~.HJonabne Ch~i'"gB. <br />from til6 Pub!~c S~10ty to Pub~5c Works wi ~i .b8 mBdo for the car~ <br />prQbcb~v ~n th~ ~mo~~t of the trade-~n va~u~. <br /> <br />- <br />