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<br />Counci I Mee"tine Minutes <br />Page i"wo - <br /> <br />August ~4. 1972 <br /> <br />Mr. Par~rldgB was Informed th~t tha Village Building ~nspector would <br />bs authorized to Issue lndlyldua~ bul~dlng permits within the concept <br />O'{ tho special use permit. If such use permit Is given Councl! approvaij. <br />Mr. PartridgEl stated he felt he could meet the requirements of the <br />August B memo within ]0 days. <br /> <br />Coune! iman Hoi leohorst stated that granting a special use permit, <br />subject to Mr. Partridge completing ail the requirements listed In <br />Mr. Shetier's memo of August 8. !972, pJus satisfying the requests <br />of the Parks and' Recreation Committee, would not, In bls opinion, <br />offer any more to Mr. Partridge than the conceptual approvaij previously <br />granted. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />He stated, however, that he had received a cali from a First Natlona~ <br />Bank spokesman, ~t Partrldgeis raquest, who said that a conceptual <br />approva~ has 110 ~tlaning to the "banking community", but tlley do recog- <br />nize a special Mse permit, even though It Is subject to numerous <br />relltrlctlollS and provisions. Councilman Hal !enliorst edso discussed <br />the exchisiolls which MI'. Pllrfrldge requested to Mr. Shetler's, memo of <br />August e. Rega,'!!ill!! tha construction of the community recreation <br />building, he st~ted that he felt the Village could go along with <br />permitting construction at the boglnnlng of Phase 3, as outlined In <br />Mr. MuriowSkl's ij.tter af July 26, 1972. Reg~rding the requGst tor <br />blanket approval topGrm!t the condomlnl~rns to be on a rent Gr buy <br />basi,S, .119 fl!li'i" that this I'.'ou~d not be In the. best Interest ot""the <br />Village, but thllt perhilllls SOilla combll1llltlonof buyl>>eese couid be <br />worked out ! ater. <br /> <br />Hn view of thes..tatements, and llUthough he would hove pr$ferred that, <br />the matter bi1l ha,ild~8d in the conventlonai l'IlaVl110r, Counc! Uman Hol Uen- <br />hor.' stated tb.t he was willing to the unprecedented step of <br />mOiling that a spaclaU use permit Ill\) approved for the proposed Ralnbolli <br />HIi 15 project, Case No. 7!-26. subject ta the following conditions: <br />I. That the approval bo limited to a 60-dllY period, commencing <br />August 85. 1972, ~ndlng October 13, !972; during whlcb time <br />the developer shall comply wIth all the requirements specified <br />In the VII lege P~8nner's repo~t of August 8, 1972, !ncludlng <br />satisfactow')' conclusion of negotiations with tile Parks and <br />Rec~eation Committee; submitting to the Planning Commission, <br />and obtaining approva~ by the Council, of alO documents re- <br />quired In that report, prior ta being allowed the 'ssuance <br />of building permits and commencing construction. <br />2. That the community recreation bu!ldlng be built at the <br />beginning of t~e third phase of d~veRopmant, as outlined In <br />14r. I>hll'lowski'$ !etter. <br />3. That the final pl~t need not b. filed before Issuance of <br />bulld{ng permits as suggastac In Point No.8 of Mr. Shetler's <br />mamo. <br /> <br />Councilman Herrick s?~ted that he is ag~ln~t setting a precedent for <br />future de~910pers by the mov~, end ho fee~s the CouncIl wl~i be subject <br />to num$rOUS future probUems If V!liege raQulrGm~nts e~d proceduros are <br />not strlctlv fo;lo~9d. <br /> <br />Vote on the motion: <br /> <br />Ayes - Cr0pee~, Ho~ ~enhorst. O~mGn. <br />No - Herrick <br />Abmtalned - Henderson <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Motloll Clu'r loll. <br /> <br />COl!lDlalnts <br />Mr~ H;rbeFt Blorsach, 3362 L~kG Johanna BOMlavard, complainsd about <br />the condition of a ha~.e north af Lake Lane .t Noble Road end Jobanna <br />Boulevord. He ~tated the houso was burn8d or guttod in December 1971. <br />a~d is now h~zardDUS to childre~ end Is a. eY8sor0. Mayor Crepoau <br />rGport~d It ~as s~a~0~ by the Sui Idi~g In$poctor', but has been broken <br />lllto. <br /> <br />Mr. E~r~ Gray. ~a25 lake la~e. reported 8 sGcond cabin or oUd house <br />located in tha sam6 vlcinlt" p!us t~~ shoos thet sre unsightly and <br />rllt Infested. <br /> <br />Th3 illilltt95" was ,'.hH-red to tlttor,~av Lvnden. C ij ark I\dOl1lnl stratal" InlS <br />as~~d to obtain tho addressos Tor th~ t~o propertlGs snd give to Mr. <br />Lynden. Bnd ta have SOmBGnO check ta ... If tha properties have municipal <br />SE~"tQ;Y $~we; and water iscl~itlss. <br /> <br />..2- <br />