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<br />Council ~estlnp ~inutes <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br />~une 12, 1972 <br /> <br />Motro Lea~ue Meetln~ <br /> <br />Mr. W!ngert reported that he represented Arden HIlls at the annual <br />meetln~ of the Metro League of ~unlclpalltles held June 8. He sub- <br />mitted for the Village files the Leegue policy statement regardln~ <br />utility regulations, envlron~ent, transportation, land use, housing, <br />government structure and government finance. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN E. GRAY HENDEPSON - Finance <br /> <br />1973 Budest <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Councilman Henderson sub~ltted ~uldellnes for 1973 budget preparetlon, <br />as recommended by the Finance Committee and asked that all departments <br />and committees concerned with the budget be made aware of them. <br /> <br />Metro Sewer Board Meetln~~ <br /> <br />Mr. Henderson reported on recent meetings held by the Metro Council <br />and the Metro Sewer Board conc~l/'nlng reserve capacity In metro sewer <br />Interceptors. There Is a possibility that Arden Hills, formerly <br />entirely In Sewer District No. I, Illey be chcreed for reserve capacity <br />for Interceptors In part of Sewer District No.2, because of property <br />Involved In the recent land swap with New Brighton. If Arden Hills <br />must participate In Sewer District No.2, our ~etro sewer costs will <br />be higher. The Metro Council ruled that the change cannot be made, <br />because of the effective date of completion of the land trade agree- <br />ment. New Brighton may fIle a legal suit against the ~etro Council <br />because of the ruling. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN STANLEY OL~EN - Public Works <br /> <br />Public Works Employees <br /> <br />Motion was made by Ohlten, seconded by Herrick, that Steven Mark Fischer <br />end Hans Selvog be appointed as seasonal temporary Village maintenance <br />employees at a wage of $2.50 per hour; motion carried unanlmously~ <br /> <br />July 4 Hollciay <br /> <br />The Councl! approved e reques~ of Maintenance Superintendent Johansen <br />to ellow his men to take off Monday, Jury 3, 1972, wlthou~ pey and <br />that the tin,s be made up by working fOllr IO..hour days the week of <br />June 26 et straight time as outlined In his memo, dated June 7, 1972. <br /> <br />Sewer line Rl~ht-of-Way, Mounds and Prior <br /> <br />The Public ~!orks Committee recommended that the sewer lines existing <br />wlthl" the right-Of-way of Mounds and Prior be surrendered to the <br />mobile home park and maIntained by the property owner efter the street <br />vacation. Matter to be worked out be?waen Attorney Courtney and <br />Attorney Copeland. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCilMAN RONALD HERRICK - Parks and Recreation, Human Rights <br /> <br />. Cha!;. Perry Park <br /> <br />Councilman Herrick reported that a sod laying project for Chss. Perry <br />Perk Is scheduled 10r Saturday, June 17, at 9:00 e.~. He asked for <br />volunteers end asked the reporters present to publicize the request. <br />Various Village organlzetlons will be contacted askln~ for help on <br />the project. <br /> <br />Metro LeaQue Open Space Policy <br /> <br />Clerk Administrator wes Instructed to send Arden Hills Perks and <br />RecreatIon Committee recommendations reqardinp open space, as detaIled <br />In their minutes of June 6, 1972 to the ~etro Lee~ue of Municipalities. <br /> <br />-5- <br />