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<br />pv <br /> <br />Min!~ ~f ~oun~SF Moo~Jng <br />&Jagt1 "~'iH"Gi1) <br /> <br />Ap.11 24, H972 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />2., 1;":>0 ,'lo. 72-U!~, Sc::hHsi';,y I:I1'hlq""h;as. Inc. <br /> <br /> <br />CQ~nc!!mBn Ho~R2nhorst asked naws representative' presant~o publicize <br /> <br />hearings on both cases, which sre to b~ hBI.,on~~y 2, 1912 at 8:00 p.m. <br />'... ~,1. <br />. "..,," <br />f~1_~~m~?EJ_ tt.~9:l.~Jl.~ . ., <br />"'119 CO,lIlC I ~ d! !iCtlssod t~o,Ai if! Ct, u t g 0$ exper I anced I n 'the past with Gase- <br />m<ll1Y ilcqll!!lh'!OI\,'Q,.vel:"'~G properties YOIl" Irnprovemen'( proJtilcts. <br />Tll-':l1' f'8'il1l6Sh:1I11..tl9t'''tl!lllnCe Co:~mHtte6 to consider establnlllllng II sub- <br />C9Imsll.i,tt4l\l to h'i:!l1tJill1 S.CIIIl;:! of the d0'i'i::d Is In\!olvsd In the problem. <br />.'_~__:;~'i;_~Al\,~ll':ii_"'"'' , <br />4' REPORT 1F COUNCILMAN E. GRAY HENDERSON _ Finance and Municipal Lands <br />I and Bwi!dlngs <br />51.! t:s:~.!:):~ !' tJ.'!:'!! A!! e.2.l.'2.t~.2!!.!~L <br />COflloeJ Ir.l,w HOIH:le<<'SOI1 irf;POIi'YocJ th~ !Ippcd ntm6nt by the Flnanct'l Committee <br />ot Tns ~Ohll~-~ IsvCJd subcommittees ar.d Ctlall"'men fOI" tho yeal" 1972: <br />i <br />BlJdig...r and r! fmll'; I a II Rellor"l'! ng Char I <!I5 Cr I chton <br />l' c' I fig Rodney Sclwmacher <br />B nswrailCtll 49.ll.rL;.P.. sImon <br />Utl~ltlu~ ~t McN!~sh <br /> <br />"('HI Flm'lhce CO!!lv:dttEit3'S rcp<~tl\la 1'0 the /lew Prop91i'ty Devolop- <br />,w;m't CCill~ ~ ti'flQ l s HO>\Hll'"di>lf;<i U ij <br /> <br />i,f.P\iRT O~ebti~! lM!./;, S T MI OU.lf.N - PI' b i Ie Walr 115 <br /> <br />ElL!> f.!t':.._WO{i'l\l,; ~'!!ll!~r.Lll_tl!.!ldent !I.JlJlO l.!!t:".:()~.:t <br />Mot~on ... M~d~ b,Ol~.n. secondud by HOlrrlct, that Hans 18ud>> Johehsan <br />V0 ~PPOD~t0d to the posITt[oll 01 ?UO~[~ Works, SMpfi~6nter.dent, ~i1.ctlv0 <br />M;1tV. @. 11912. r:1~ ~.r.:cOF'"d~l'ic<l \>11th provL~loll$ d~faD Icd nil Pubij Ie \\Ioli'll; <br />C;:""IlI,./'toll '-HI'lIl'h~s \la"toll MH'11 n2, ~972. Mot~oll c<l1"1"10d 1I1l3nllllol,n;Oy. <br /> <br />---g"f;\CR'T Of (:OlJlo!~ I UlAN Rf..W HE""P !r.';~ - P',H'!:.S and Reersati or. and Human R ~ 011""$ <br />. .. .. ~ <br /> <br />--~!{!!Rs:r..J.c,!2i" l]a1".!tL~':!~l.!Lt':.~!l"!.t"O!1""'pc;mn'Ht.L!~~!i!.2.!.,~ 0'( Apl"! 0_ i8. 1ill <br />r" :..'::~.S!SGIU?::.'-!V f \!'L.D,!1J,<<l j ~!:E"~r..t <br />f.:o<JrjcT~!'1a," l;~,rrlc~ Ir"POf't'!Hl ti.a~ therll \\I<lS .I!l 1ill0"0y !ongthy dl!l- <br />c~s.!cn with DrAyfus at the CDmMltt~. m8uf11l9. ahout planned I~nd <br />"h:m",'~r:clls to .~h" \/1 i 11;119;:;. P;~~rlJ!:;I'Hjt~tlv.'3s 'rom till! Du"eytus COiFpOr'i" <br />arlan present.d thgijr proUlminary pGB~9 far doveUopminf 0' 8~nd <br />,~Hi lGxJ"9'rOlj OlOf"'I't! of T! 8 .I""r La ,H) , <br /> <br />A qU.$tlon was rBITsad by the CD~nc~U OR the number of peopSe <br />the .roJQct propD5e. to house. FBrks 5nd ReciFe.tloD MUnutos <br />fi fist 65() p"ordll lHlll P~~matr;o!J COfll":tlssfion -(IT iQJ; Undlea'h~ 3i2 units. <br /> <br />2'" CI~~' ~ o!:l,1:2!!'..:L!'i1r,t!, <br />,;k. 1tob~H'1' i\nd(l!i"5;)1I I"*'p,or't",tl )'0 1ho COlJllcE l dtliFoi!lci'!Ji' 'Irem iil Park!! <br />and Recre.tio~ Cammltt0e Nesting attended tonight. He m~de the <br />fallowlngrGqussts of the Counel: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />iiI. He roqu..tGd. ~nd tho CouncUi concurred wltb request, <br />that NSP be s~nt a request to sup~~, the VITnUage, <br />I:li' no cost, ~nolJgh ,,~'Hv<1l wend chips to cOIJvr all entire <br />hl~isld~ &1' Perry P~lrk, ta a depth af 6". CUerk Admln- <br />lstr~tar to write ta NSP. <br /> <br />b. Peff"ry !'i:la'i, p a an!! we...€! t;ho~;n by Ml"" Alloersoi1. show! "9 1'1"'09 <br />planting;; and ~ 6' berN to be buijUt for the pUlrposa of <br />stapplng balls 'rom the p)ay areas from hitting n nearb, <br />hous.. The CornmlttuB Esked canc8pt approv8U at the trae <br />pQantfing~ accord~ng to d~a~U'lgs shown by M~~ ^ndarson~ <br />RosrehlPi NIH'SO!")' submltt.1ll</ '1l ijml bId to YIUl Committee of <br />IU044.00 for flvG s!~wDr mBpUas ~nd 'IT't, red mapUes. end <br />p n awl'! n9. <br /> <br />Councilman Handerson noted that Mr. Simon voiuntaBlred <br />Ard"'t' HI iI ~s Jl'll'cl)a$ 'l~rJ<l'ldnU hl1"p lor OJ project lilt Chari!!s <br />P~rry Park, hOPOfujly to ~mount to $3000 to $4000. fha <br />Cou~cil f0D~ that t~e JGlceas m~ght b0 IntorGsted In th!s <br />part!cular praJoct. <br /> <br />-3- <br />