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<br />Minut~s of Rsgulor Council M&eti~g <br />D '" <br />,.1Igi) YO!d1" <br /> <br />Apr! i 10, ~972 <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN E. GRAY HENDERSON - Finance and Muni~lpaD Lands <br />and Bul gdlngs <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~n~~~pJ~~~Ulaga.~JLU ~nd Public Works 8u!ldlng <br />Councilmen Hendorson recommended, and the Council agreed, that the <br />Parks and Recreation Committee be aSked to work with their par~ <br />design.r to develop a landscape pian for the Village Hall and Public <br />Norks Bu~~d!ng grounds. <br /> <br />~CI.M Meeq ngs . <br />Councilman Henderson submitted a report to tha Council Fe diSCUSSions <br />helo rocentlv by the league Board 01 Directors concerning the tormatiop <br />of en enlarged County Nursing Service. He feels that this may be th~ <br />fUr'st st<!lp toward .t!l County Heart" Service. Sacausa W8 seem to be movIng <br />tOIHlro a rnetl1"o government, he quest Ions 1'ha an I argemant <br />of Ccunty government at this time. <br /> <br />REPORl OF COUNCILMAN RONALD HERRiCK - Perks and Recr6at~on, Human <br />{absallH R ij ghts <br /> <br />tigerscn Park Pians <br />~Oll~~cr under C~wnc~Oman HoDUenhorst's Reportl <br /> <br />flamsey County Op.9nSpaces <br />Ml'lyor. Crepeau re1delfi!!ld il le...t!)r fn:lm Ramsay County Architect Kenneth <br />SJmons, dll'hld Apr~ U 5, 0972, reqllElsting InplDY from Arden HillS 1/"8 <br /> space sites !n !Hollan iH i 15. Councllm<!n HoP lonhorst agreed to <br />1ll08.t \\l I I'll Mr, Sura,:>n:; and pi"OV ~ de tho hfoi"m<'lt hl>n. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR HENRV J. CREPEAU. JR, - G0~er<'l1 Govei"nment and Public <br />Safety <br /> <br />9,rt;hee I.'I_- l6tt~r-.~ COlilm~nltY~I-..fillted March 28, 1972 <br />MlIltter ref01f'I'"sd to Plitlillllng COlllm~ssloll <br /> <br />.lec,,; U Ih I O~ 49 <br />_...._=--,-----~ <br />A, d~?ad March SO, 6972, fram UnIon 49 ropl/"ElsentatlveC. C. <br />Swur,!;or." \'tall i"3\i I €lwed by &-lavor Cr4&'.l0<Hl" Tlla Un I on asked If Arden <br />HI lis, '<Itll'h'ed to Il@gotl<lhl Independenti\i tlh'h Local 49 01'" accept the arOll- <br />'" I d" ag!'eill~len t nego'i'l2lted IHI'heen -rhe I!i .11,/4 01\. gl"oap and l.o<:J'.I a 49, <br /> <br />CO~fiC18 dlf"l)ete~ Clerlt Adrn!nhtrl:Jtouo '1'0 tell:1 MO". Swanson the \/H lage <br />uo~~d UI~e to sea the results Of the D~au-w!de managers agreement <br />1!rst, tlHl than 1l1H:!da whether to llccept it or negotiate Independently, <br /> <br />(h;}g Ce>t;i 1/"0 0 <br />/, 'i~'1.Gi1Fc'lIl N.,\t BdgCl'h:lil, dllhd Meij"ch 311, 1972, concerning Joint dog <br />c::>n'f1"O i! sen' I ce", 1M,; rov lowed by MlIyor C,r"~Hlau, The Coyne i! i"<ltyerreo <br />tha .~tt9r to the Pw~~Bc S.'etV Committse, asking thsm to 'orm a sllb- <br />camml~ta9 to mSG? with Shor~vlo. and Now Brighton on ths matter. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Off-Sale liquor licensg Request <br />A-1otteF:~~ted Ap;jU--7~-n9r:z;-from Mil', Paul T. Mullaney. requesting <br />11 nC:811$~ 1'0 SIld U domestic and ImpoF...ed winGS and ~ IqIl0ti"5,WilS reed <br />and d~IC~ssod. The CoYnc!~ Indicated thay want to see what pYans be <br />hBS, but suos nat In '~VOI/" of anothor bottUo shop !n tha neIghborhood <br />whore tWD are eBr.8dy in axlstance. <br /> <br />R":f'.C'Rr Cf UE'1:<: I.[>V i Ii! STriA '{('R !;C~;hId liE HROMQU I ST <br /> <br />Un j I ce.!l..2~!.i.~~A B I !ili.~ <br />M~s. Stromquist presented a i'~po~t, GaVsd April 3, 1972, .of IIn~lcensed <br />signs Bn( bilaboerdB In the VII~ago. submitted by the V!rlage Police <br />Oopartmat~, Code Enforcement OffIcer and Cllerk Administrator. <br /> <br />~lCJHo!'l !;Ia~ mnd.. hv Hol Uer.hotst. sacwHj~d 1;'{ Hellderson, thai' the 1011.011- <br />1ft9 actea. b. t.ken: . <br /> <br />S~.CJ.lQ\l."'1f,.!~t>U"t -: ~!,tll cera,\!}HJ LI)._ i197~ <br />G!VB OWR8r or -t~~ prem!s.$ ~~Dn .h!~b slg~ DUO b66~board 15 <br />16~Rt.~_ ~ +~!~t. d.v .rl~~.n nntl~. ~h~t ~uch slam. 18 Ira <br />vlol~tion o' '.llags Ordin~n<:0, and that It must ~e licG~~.d <br />or r$flIO\l$d. <br /> <br />-4- <br />