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<br />After aa1sCWl8~on oftlte views presented ~~ra_ appear1119 <br />at the PuJ;ll:i.c heating for water_r~nt. NQ.. 12...1. COUJlc:l.~ <br /> <br />Hollenhorst <br /> <br />then :i.ntrolil\lceClthef011CilW~9 reSOl~iOn liUl4 <br /> <br />moved its adoption: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Desolu.t1on N:l. 1{j-J3 <br /> <br />RESOLU'l'IoN ORDERING Tat CONSTRtIC'1'tON Oil' <br />WATER IMPRO'IiSMBNr NO. 12-1 WDER AND <br />PURsUANT '1'0 MINN1!:SOl'AS'j!ATtlTES, CHAP'1'ER 429 <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the COuncil of the Viuate of ~den HUla, <br />Minnesota, that in accor~ee with the provl$iOl1$ ()f M:i.nnesota <br />Statutes 1961, qb.apter 429,a8 amended, the council held II public <br />hearing PIU'S\laut to published n()Uee~ OntM propolSed construction <br />of water IrnproVE!.\!lEIntNo. 1~"1, consisting of the rerouting of 12 II <br />watexmain northerlY alQrl.g' aamllne Avenue to 5. '.l.' .H:.96. thence <br />weste:w:ly on S.'.l.'.H:. 96 to conneCt to a proposed 12" Waterma1n on <br />Snelling Avenue;tbll!te)Ct.en&lon.Pf<1 12 II watertllain f.1'01ll the elevated <br />tank on Fernwood Str~tt(l HIUtIl~ All'enue; and the e)Ct.ension of an <br />8" watermain easterly on .l\lllble:QQad fr. $utll:l;ne Avenue and. all <br />necessary appurtenances, as descr:l.bea int.he of hearl119 at <br />a cost presently estimated to be app1'oximately $168,130pOQ,and <br />substalltially :l;n accordance with the preliminary engineer'S report <br />as to thefeaslbil:l.ty thereof which is now on file :l.n the office <br />of the Vi.l.lage Clerk AdI:lIinistrator; and having the <br />news of all interestedpe:l:sons and be1n9 fU.l~Y a,dv:l..sed in the <br />, the Council does hereby c:ietermj,ne and order that said <br />tmprovement Shall beconstructe4 and financea, and special assess- <br />ments shall be levied therefor, pursuant to said Cbapter 429, and <br />that the areapropCl$ed to be assessed thereto):' shall include the <br />property as des<:rUled 1nthenotice .of hearing: and that Banister <br />Engineer:i.n9Co. -loB hereby directed to prepa):'eand subm1t to the <br />Coupcil final plans and spec1f1cation$for the constr\lction of <br />said improvement. <br /> <br />'l"h$ mot.ion for the adoption of the foregoing ,resolution was <br /> <br />duly seconded by Councilman ~engerson <br /> <br />. and upon roll call <br /> <br />vote being takenthereOft. the followi'1'lg voted in faVor thereof: All <br />and the following voted agains;t: None <br />whereupon said t'esolut.ion "8 declare<! duly passed and adopt.d. <br /> <br />. <br />