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<br />Vi~ ~5g0 COC'~~!: 71r:l~tes <br /> <br />..,3.. <br /> <br />,Jan. !O, 1972 <br /> <br />.c ;:5 c..~_.!j~~.:._~1.l.::- ::z L.~,!:,QlJ.,~__.~:~~~_...f..?J;.r.L=--"Tr:J !:!:.:-fPl..-J1'" :, ro~ ~..!.. <br /> <br />Ca~ncil~.n Hallenhorst rBvl.wod ths ~lnut6g Df the P!vnnlng CommIssion, <br />Q,;';';-;'Gd .J~ntnd'-.f 4, ~972, ~l,d stat~Hi th1!!Y th~!i P~Clnnftng Comrnfss!on reCOfn- <br />il'lGtHi,,(1 ilppn,v<ll of the' mob!ll/l CO>)l"'? phm p;':)!lented I1ltt! Case No. 71-21, <br />S~hJ0Ct .to c~~r'1fcation of ttle S!Z9 of tro3S ~fl the !and~cape plan by <br />i"he dG~oJoper ~nd Slj~]j9Ct to tho ~pproYa~ 01 th~ p&ft~ by the Vi~RaQe <br />En9~~~el" <<nd 1he Sui'ding Inspector. <br /> <br />Mf'~,~ ;:;(3:; <br /> <br />~~~ic; ::: 1.:::'1 p G <br /> <br />H[i~~ p(;\""t()i!ip nfic", pr~c.;s,:aV1tc'd <br />plDn to tha Counc!l. <br /> <br />a map an~ expl~lned the general <br /> <br />.Mr'. J.~c[, iH()$s ""uis;,.j !J cll:sstion (;O()l1cendn~1 '(t\'C i'lccess read to the Albert <br />~<J{';'Jdon rc~! aenc8. '~'\t"~O~~;H1Y Co~rfiielf ~?Jj5_n::,;-k(j-d T'o datermine whether th~ <br />road~bou!d be d.~fcatBd fo the V!IGBga 0 ~d and m~lnta!ned by the <br />m0~~e? home cour't d0~e.dper. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />.&\-"h:~H9t~lr ~1t$c!U!z:;~ ion fc~ ~Cl,.~,(L, if; ~,:d eM M'r:~ .r~ck,:\'lsiss; the AlberT <br />K10{dcn~ BnG ctharreprssentatlv.. fur thev cantanded ~hat the Kl.ldons <br />elTld'fhc d1'"n:,,(d\')por'~tl'ougcl 'f'~'H!lCh ~ sGtt3emen1re9:~ij"dln9 tt-d~ sede of the <br />K~c;l!loj; plJ"of'lln''1 prior ..-" CCttJnc!' iJ!,prondp'l the. proposed de'/elolllllent. <br />Ths Kb:1 ~ don p liOfH} ~~'(,/ is: ii'H)i" I ~c, udt)d in th1j,fnotd ~ f) horns p ~ at e <br /> <br />,;.1 <br /> <br />'f <br /> <br />~flgN"q'l'd, tho C("J(H::11 felt !~. is '101' their functIon to Ilrbitrato In <br />th~ property pries negotlBtfDnB, b~t Caunel ImBn HendersDn recalled thnt <br />s~~~r'a~ ~onfhs ago a Councif s~ggas1"ron W8Z made thfit three property <br /><Jp".:'''~s,'~s be 00')'8,1"'0.;1 olJ the Klaldons 2H..d ~'!1at the .netter then be <br />SU";-tf0( w!";"hln ttleum0un~ of the three eppralsa~s~ <br /> <br />Mr. K;eJdon seid he fe~t such ~pprnlsels wcu!d be of no v~lua~ <br /> <br />A b~ff8[' redwood force a~ot~nd.the !(Iefdonres~denca was discussed. Mr. <br />}j~e: t>3Zi::~ agree<3bte to ~r:S1'lj!lin0 se.7ch a fence. <br /> <br />After 1~r'iher d;SCllsslon, the Councfi de~8yed ac~ion on the prorosed <br />~0~;G:opmall.t th~ee weeks 1"0 i"he meetlnp of January 31, 1972 to atlow <br />08gotlB1ions between the Adams ~nd the Kleldons, and stated that ~here <br />';,~"~ J l b~ ;~o l"ur1"nei'" r;'::bni*-::: on the iH'" e! ready presented ~ that <br />~othin~ fua"1tler is i'o be presented to tho CouncJ9 on the subject un~es5 <br />~~~ ;5 /t'A';'/ on'rO~'i1lat~{)n.. <br /> <br />c ~,~~ .!:Jg c 72.=1..._10 Y_2..!?lJ.:L.R e gE~,rt <br /> <br />f':1o')-lnQ ~'-;'~3 mnde by Hal ir:l~ihOliS.l., st9Go~d::;d by HGrrickll tha'tCase No. 72",2, <br />~o1sp{~'i' ~eQuest bv Mrs~ Joseph~ne Koi"te~ h0 3flp'roved 8S submitted; <br />'['h;~-;' lfj tn.:Jr";~nce (IG [,r~nt€;d under Vi ~ ~a(je C~-'dlnance 98~ Section !3~ walvinc <br />th0s~,lDdivJ~3ion f'eq~iror(iE;nts; subJec"t )':"0 -j'h:;:; ~ppro\lal of the V~ IIc:ge . <br />Ei~0rnee~ and the V:!iBge Attorney; motion cerr~ed 1nanfmously. <br /> <br />l0'i'''>f;~-' 'i:,"O!i' iwh~ Pff\h~""fi'/ DGP~~~, Da.;~8d Oecef,\hef" 2/:, t9il Re Tf'~ff"lc S~'0:1I!JU5 <br />.- ~'-'-.--,-~.."'-,_. ._--'---_.~_.~_.*_._--'--_._,-------_._-.~..__.- _._-~,..-._,_._----_-:..-!.-.._------,---- -- -.--. <br /> <br />Ti~';_; ~;::~'~'~;-'6:j" Has rSV18\:!ed by Cf')lJn;:~~ ~fn~H~ Ho~ ~;:ir';h;:i;n~t. t.ftayo~' Cr,9pecll.1 announced <br />th,:':,';- 'hlG points ~n(:,-je by the Hiqh'dO,/ Oep.t;~"j-n::~nl';}l i! be d:scu$$f!d (.;It the <br />3nf0f:JD';'lona~ rneetif19 to be tle~d MOI,daYJ J~n~J~vy 17, 1972 at the f~ounds <br />V~~w H~0h 5cllool. lhe mee.~ing ~s 1'0 be ;n the theater 50ctton bo~lnnin9 <br /> <br />::.~~;- ;3: 0;) ~). 1"\1 ~ <br /> <br />. ~"::.'- ..;~.," <'-....If>,'~. nt'),.l~I)~! .........~ t;"'.M.n Da.t...",..}, D.,.~.~ ~.-, ~9..~ Re i=r..!:.'....\_I~I"y ",;"0 C"'loge <br />~'':_:'::''':''_._.!-':-.~~~~....:~~_~~~L~.;J~___ .~__~~~:-"~_!___,!..,.__!...:..~~ . _.J\ .' I ~J Yi.... ,......-:.....-_~!-~ <br /> <br />CO~f;-'~t filUM HO~~Gnh~rst ~ond a iatt6F from Mr. Pau~ Dr6~a, Bethel College, <br />,'r: '~-'~'>;,~h h~ fn~pf'es:'3(.;d ?~ change iT} p'ol€~y r-,,".)~;a~"'d~ng "the cl;~sin!J o'\t thiS <br />~CC9SS ~oed to th2 ~O~ ~Gge irorn }{lghwBY 5~, 'f~le Counc,t .deter~i'tad, <br />En ~.}~~ of pbS'~ e~p3i'Js~ce and s~udyy ti)at ~ha crossover from }Iighway 59 <br />'~o '~i~~ c0~~0ge fs ~ Yi)Ty hn~~rd0J5 cne end 1'hay conttnua 1'0 feet thet <br />s~m~t~ ng st':j~ad he (one immedia"te;y~ Cler.k Adm~nistrDtor wes asked to <br />~t"~2 ~~ ~~ QI'~k8 Bxor~SS~r\o the Covncl~~s concern 8nrl 39so to ask <br />0fflcJ~j~3 01 8sth3t C~;~2QQ ~o ~ttend the i~~ghv~V informationi38 meetin~ <br />(> ? ~: 2'; n u: :~c;;.. ~l }.i ~ <br /> <br />1\;:; t. ',..... ,) :~~;. I ~ d ~ ~,'''l 00;: ,,,-; ."-' ~ 0' "" ; .', ,,,,10.', '~"IJt'" <br />. ~'~...:.~. "':::-:~--,"_.>:-:._~.~~~_~._~_...:._~-:..,:~~,L~~--=-_~,~_!..___~-'::':.. <br /> <br />After ~;rs~~ss~~n~ n~~t?Q~ 1JDS rondo by Ho~~e~ho!.s1'~ 5eeo~ldod by Otm~n, th~t <br />Co(ia E:'; "H-"'.:~e;:';~)(;-;~ :5q~J~ ~~-i;~3 bF; al"j'ril()~"f~ed 1"D ,::t'h~r;d t~le i\nn~,:~::J.; ijnsti"h.Jt-s <br />ft'i~ bu~ jj~,;-'iS? {:~'i~:;:;::lat;; ()n .5anu87'y u"7.-J9 [!,-;- -;')1(: Lan:nr.!ngton Hote~~ Comp~n'''' <br />. r.." ,. '... " 'i.'J! .-", ~ " ( .... ' " I '~ 1 <br />~~.'3"t;")!1 c.-\ ,!l~)\j pOT' \~:(J'f 'i"or i.Lj"" " ;:"(j;j;rBS j<:);~ 'fq'J .inr"ee (Jays PIUS a f'cgtS 'ra- <br />';.~':)n 1"2_0 of :b35 ~~~.: a!s() eJu.i'hcY";~/'~d; ~n C:".8!,t3(;"lU, ;.ic~if011hof"s"'r, <br />';~'_i i::d ~', ~:J"1. d H~';-n1a rso :'1; ''")u~;')s,r;t;" q:;.:'r" i ,-;t<; ~j',;::,.: :.' ,:.n C3 ;--;" I ".3-0" <br />.:1. <br />